ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java offers a toolkit with JavaFX components to help simplify your Java development work. Available components include:
- Compass: Shows the current viewpoint heading. Can be clicked to reorient the view to north.
- Floor Filter: Shows sites and facilities, and enables toggling the visibility of levels on floor-aware maps and scenes.
- Overview Map: Indicates the viewpoint of the main map/scene view.
- Scalebar: Shows a ruler with units proportional to the map's current scale.
- Feature Template Picker: Shows feature templates for a collection of feature layers.
- Utility Network Trace Tool: Enables a utility network trace experience for maps authored with a trace configuration.
Add the dependency using Gradle
The toolkit library jar is hosted on
If you haven't already, install and set up ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java.
To add the dependency to your project using Gradle, use the following code. For other install options or more detail, see Install and set up.
plugins {
id 'application'
id 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' version '0.1.0'
// Replace with version number of <ProductName /> you are using in your app, such as:
// arcgisVersion = '200.5.0'. See table below for SDK Versions that support the toolkit.
ext {
arcgisVersion = '200.6.0'
javafx {
version = "21.0.5"
modules = [ 'javafx.controls', '', 'javafx.fxml', '', 'javafx.web' ]
compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
// Toolkit and <ProductName /> repository
repositories {
maven {
url ''
configurations {
dependencies {
implementation "com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-java:$arcgisVersion"
natives "com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-java-jnilibs:$arcgisVersion"
natives "com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-java-resources:$arcgisVersion"
implementation 'com.esri.arcgisruntime:arcgis-java-toolkit:200.0.0'
The following table shows the minimum version of the SDK compatible with the toolkit:
SDK Version | Toolkit Version |
100.2.1 | 100.2.1 |
100.14.0 | 100.14.0 |
100.15.0 | 100.15.0 |
200.0.0 | 200.0.0 |
200.1.0 | 200.0.0 |
200.2.0 | 200.0.0 |
200.3.0 | 200.0.0 |
200.4.0 | 200.0.0 |
200.5.0 | 200.0.0 |
200.6.0 | 200.0.0 |
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