Class GenerateGeodatabaseParameters

    • Constructor Detail

      • GenerateGeodatabaseParameters

        public GenerateGeodatabaseParameters()
        Constructs a new GenerateGeodatabaseParameters instance. Use this constructor if you are setting all of its properties yourself. Consider using the convenience method GeodatabaseSyncTask.createDefaultGenerateGeodatabaseParametersAsync(Geometry) rather than this constructor to get an initialized instance of this class with properties already set which take into account the capabilities supported by the ArcGIS feature service.
    • Method Detail

      • getLayerOptions

        public List<GenerateLayerOption> getLayerOptions()
        Gets a mutable list of GenerateLayerOption objects which specify how to filter features on a layer-by-layer basis for inclusion in a sync-enabled geodatabase. If not previously set, this method will return an empty list to which you can add GenerateLayerOption objects.

        For non-spatial records, you must set GenerateLayerOption.isUseGeometry() to false and provide a suitable where clause using GenerateLayerOption.setWhereClause(String).

        Note, these layer options are only applicable to generate geodatabases using the sync model of SyncModel.PER_LAYER.

        the list of GenerateLayerOption objects to apply to layers
      • getExtent

        public Geometry getExtent()
        Gets the geometry to use as a spatial filter. All features with geometries that intersect with this extent are replicated into the geodatabase.
        the Geometry to use as a spatial filter, or null if none has been set
        See Also:
      • setExtent

        public void setExtent​(Geometry extent)
        Sets the geometry to use as a spatial filter. This is typically an Envelope, but other geometry types can also be used. All features with geometries that intersect with this extent are replicated into the geodatabase.

        To include non-spatial records, you must ensure that layer options are properly defined via getLayerOptions(), each layer options requires that GenerateLayerOption.isUseGeometry() is set to false and a suitable where clause is provided via GenerateLayerOption.setWhereClause(String).

        extent - the Geometry to use as a spatial filter
        IllegalArgumentException - if extent is null
      • getOutSpatialReference

        public SpatialReference getOutSpatialReference()
        Gets the spatial reference that is used for the generated geodatabase. If the data on the server is not in this spatial reference, it will be reprojected before being included in the geodatabase. If this is null, the spatial reference of the extent set by setExtent(Geometry) is used. If that is also null, the feature service's spatial reference is used.
        the spatial reference that is used for the generated geodatabase, or null if none has been set
      • setOutSpatialReference

        public void setOutSpatialReference​(SpatialReference outSpatialReference)
        Sets the spatial reference that is used for the generated geodatabase. If the data on the server is not in this spatial reference, it will be reprojected before being included in the geodatabase. If this is null, the spatial reference of the extent set by setExtent(Geometry) is used. If that is also null, the feature service's spatial reference is used.
        outSpatialReference - the spatial reference to use for the generated geodatabase
      • isReturnAttachments

        public boolean isReturnAttachments()
        Indicates if attachments for features should be included in the generated geodatabase. Attachments can be large, so excluding them may reduce the size of the geodatabase. Only applicable if the feature service supports attachments. Default value is false. This parameter is only applicable if the feature service has attachments.
        true if attachments are to be included in the generated geodatabase
      • setReturnAttachments

        public void setReturnAttachments​(boolean returnAttachments)
        Sets if attachments for features should be included in the generated geodatabase. Attachments can be large, so excluding them may reduce the size of the geodatabase. Only applicable if the feature service supports attachments. Default value is false. This parameter is only applicable if the feature service has attachments.
        returnAttachments - true if attachments are to be included in the generated geodatabase
      • getSyncAnnotations

        public boolean getSyncAnnotations()
        Specifies whether Annotation data is to be included from the service, when generating, or downloading to, an offline geodatabase.

        Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Annotation data can be optionally included when downloading from the service.

        Once this data is taken offline to a local geodatabase, any subsequent inserts, edits or deletions will NOT be applied to the server data when re-synchronized. If features linked to the annotation have been changed, the server WILL apply the feature-linked-annotation updates. Another download from the server will replace any offline inserts, edits or deletions of Annotation features.

        The default value is true. Annotation data will be included.

        SyncCapabilities.isSupportsAnnotations() can be used to check whether Annotation data is available from the service.

        This property can be used at the same time as specifying other additional data types to be included.

        specifies whether Annotation data is to be included from the service, when generating, or downloading to, an offline geodatabase.
      • setSyncAnnotations

        public void setSyncAnnotations​(boolean syncAnnotations)
        Specifies whether Annotation data is to be included from the service, when generating, or downloading to, an offline geodatabase.

        Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Annotation data can be optionally included when downloading from the service.

        Once this data is taken offline to a local geodatabase, any subsequent inserts, edits or deletions will NOT be applied to the server data when re-synchronized. If features linked to the annotation have been changed, the server WILL apply the feature-linked-annotation updates. Another download from the server will replace any offline inserts, edits or deletions of Annotation features.

        The default value is true. Annotation data will be included.

        SyncCapabilities.isSupportsAnnotations() can be used to check whether Annotation data is available from the service.

        This property can be used at the same time as specifying other additional data types to be included.

        syncAnnotations - specifies whether Annotation data is to be included from the service, when generating, or downloading to, an offline geodatabase.
      • getSyncContingentValues

        public boolean getSyncContingentValues()
        Specifies whether Contingent Value data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase.

        Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Contingent Value data can be optionally included.

        The default value is true. Contingent Value data will be included.

        SyncCapabilities.isSupportsContingentValues() can be used to check whether Contingent Value data is available from the service.

        This property can be used at the same time as specifying other additional data types to be included.

        true if Contingent Value data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase.
        See Also:
      • setSyncContingentValues

        public void setSyncContingentValues​(boolean syncContingentValues)
        Specifies whether Contingent Value data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase.

        Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Contingent Value data can be optionally included.

        The default value is true. Contingent Value data will be included.

        SyncCapabilities.isSupportsContingentValues() can be used to check whether Contingent Value data is available from the service.

        This property can be used at the same time as specifying other additional data types to be included.

        syncContingentValues - specifies whether Contingent Value data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase.
        See Also:
      • getSyncDimensions

        public boolean getSyncDimensions()
        Specifies whether Dimension data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase.

        Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Dimension data can be optionally included.

        The default value is true. Dimension data will be included.

        SyncCapabilities.isSupportsDimensions() can be used to check whether Dimension data is available from the service.

        This property can be used at the same time as specifying other additional data types to be included.

        specifies whether Dimension data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase.
      • setSyncDimensions

        public void setSyncDimensions​(boolean syncDimensions)
        Specifies whether Dimension data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase.

        Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Dimension data can be optionally included.

        The default value is true. Dimension data will be included.

        SyncCapabilities.isSupportsDimensions() can be used to check whether Dimension data is available from the service.

        This property can be used at the same time as specifying other additional data types to be included.

        syncDimensions - specifies whether Dimension data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase.
      • getSyncModel

        public SyncModel getSyncModel()
        Gets the synchronization model that is used for the generated geodatabase. The sync model defines whether the geodatabase should be configured to sync with the originating service as a whole or individually on a per layer basis. The default value is SyncModel.PER_LAYER. Check the service supports the required sync model; see ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.getSyncCapabilities().
        the synchronization model
      • setSyncModel

        public void setSyncModel​(SyncModel syncModel)
        Sets the synchronization model that is used for the generated geodatabase. The sync model defines whether the geodatabase should be configured to sync with the originating service as a whole or individually on a per layer basis. The default value is SyncModel.PER_LAYER. Check the service supports the required sync model; see ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.getSyncCapabilities().
        syncModel - the synchronization model
        IllegalArgumentException - if syncModel is null
      • getUtilityNetworkSyncMode

        public UtilityNetworkSyncMode getUtilityNetworkSyncMode()
        Specifies the generation and synchronization mode of Utility Network data from the service to an offline geodatabase.

        Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Utility Network System data can be optionally included.

        The default value is UtilityNetworkSyncMode.NONE. Utility Network System data will not be included.

        This property can be used at the same time as specifying other additional data types to be included.

        specifies the generation and synchronization mode of Utility Network data from the service to an offline geodatabase.
      • setUtilityNetworkSyncMode

        public void setUtilityNetworkSyncMode​(UtilityNetworkSyncMode utilityNetworkSyncMode)
        Specifies the generation and synchronization mode of Utility Network data from the service to an offline geodatabase.

        Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Utility Network System data can be optionally included.

        The default value is UtilityNetworkSyncMode.NONE. Utility Network System data will not be included.

        This property can be used at the same time as specifying other additional data types to be included.

        utilityNetworkSyncMode - specifies the generation and synchronization mode of Utility Network data from the service to an offline geodatabase.
        IllegalArgumentException - if utilityNetworkSyncMode is null