Introduction to charts components (beta)

Charts components (beta)

Charts components contains components that can be used to build charts in your ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript applications. When used alongside maps, they can provide a complete data visualization story of your data. You can find the full list of available components in the Charts components reference. Each chart component can be rendered by referring to a configuration object that follows a common chart specification, which can be configured with the helper package charts model. The package also includes a charts action bar component that can be used with any chart, providing a set of default actions to enhance your experience interacting with the chart. Additionally, custom actions can be added to the action bar to meet specific user needs.

Charts model (beta)

Charts model can be used to ease the creation and updating of a chart's configuration. Freely configure data, series, axes, formats and more with the model, and generate the configuration object that can be used to render the chart. For the full list of available methods provided by the model for each chart type, refer to the charts model references.

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