Visualize Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
Visualize and explore monthly and historical sea ice extents.
What it does
This app displays the monthly mean sea ice extent for the Arctic and Antarctic and compares it with the historical median extent. Graphs are also used to visualize the minimum and maximum extent for each year (top), and the monthly time series for each year (bottom). Use the top graph to select specific years to display in the map.
Read this blog post to learn more about the application and its data.
Under the hood
Query by time
Sea ice extents are queried by time.
Dynamic projection of coordinates
Polar geographic features are automatically projected to correctly match the basemap.
Powerful rendering
Use built-in visualization capabilities to easily symbolize and display geographic features.
D3.js library integration
Combine a histogram chart and a line chart with the map to dynamically help explore and visualize the monthly minimum and maximum ice extents.