Package-level declarations


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A LocationDataSource that can be driven by a user-defined provider of location data. This can be useful if you have location data coming in from some custom source and you would like that data in the form of a LocationDataSource so that it can interface with other parts of the API.

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An enumeration of the various sources of data used in an IndoorPositioningDefinition.

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Stores the information needed to create an IndoorsLocationDataSource. For a map to be IPS-aware, one of the following must be true:

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Information about the "ips_positioning" feature table used for IPS positioning.

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Provides an indoor or outdoor position based on device sensor data (radio, GPS, motion sensors). An IPS (indoor positioning system) position is calculated based on radio data and motion sensors. The GPS position is used as a fallback in case an IPS position can't be calculated, or if the IPS position reports a position outside of a building.

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Stores configuration settings for an IndoorsLocationDataSource.

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An info message.

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sealed class Location

A location data object. This object contains a location data, including its position point, velocity, accuracy, course etc.

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sealed class LocationDataSource

The location data source provides location information that can be displayed on a map using the MapView.locationDisplay. This is a base class for a number of different location data sources, such as IndoorsLocationDataSource, NmeaLocationDataSource, RouteTrackerLocationDataSource, and SimulatedLocationDataSource. Call LocationDataSource.start() to receive location updates and display the current location using the MapView.locationDisplay.

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The list of possible LocationDataSource statuses. This is used to determine the status of a LocationDataSource.

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An enumeration of the various modes that define how the map view extent reacts to location changes.

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sealed class NmeaAccuracyType

The list of NMEA accuracy types.

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sealed class NmeaFixType

The list of NMEA fix types. Indicates the type of signal or technique being used by the GPS receiver to determine its location. For example it indicates the quality of the signal, or the accuracy and reliability of the location being reported. The fix type is determined by the receiver based on number of satellites visible, the type of GPS receiver and the GPS technology being used.

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sealed class NmeaGnssSystem

Enumeration of supported GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) systems.

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An NMEA location object. Contains information about parsed NMEA location.

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An NMEA location data source object. This object will parse specific NMEA messages pushed into it. Valid GGA, GSA, GST, GSV, RMC, VTG messages are parsed and, depending upon the message type and contents, a LocationDataSourceLocationChangedEvent or NmeaLocationDataSourceSatellitesChangedEvent may be raised. The LocationDataSourceLocationChangedEvent will return a NmeaLocation object. The NmeaLocationDataSourceSatellitesChangedEvent will return an array of NmeaSatelliteInfo objects. This data source is based on NMEA version 4.11 (November 2018).

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An NMEA satellite info object. Contains information about a satellite visible at the location.

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A location data source that uses a route tracker and a generic location data source to output locations snapped to a route. Setting the RouteTrackerLocationDataSource is optional when desiring to have the location display symbol navigate along a route. Using this object provides the benefit of having the current location snapped to the route polyline during navigation. If the RouteTrackerLocationDataSource is not used, you may notice that the actual GPS location tends to wander off the route polyline due to the accuracy provided by the GPS unit.

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A location data source that provides simulated device locations for testing. Use this data source to simulate location updates for a device. It uses a collection of Location that are sequentially passed to LocationDataSource.updateLocation(Location). The location collection can be derived from vertices in a provided polyline, generated evenly along a polyline based on a travel velocity, or assigned to the collection directly.

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Parameters to control how locations are created from a simulated route of travel (Polyline). This can be provided as an input to the SimulatedLocationDataSource.setLocationsWithPolyline(Polyline, SimulationParameters) method to specify the start time for the first location, travel velocity (meters per second), and horizontal and vertical accuracy of locations.

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A type of LocationDataSource that requests location updates from the Android platform's location API.