Package-level declarations


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Enumerates options for downloading an Esri vector tiled basemap service. When taking an Esri vector tiled basemap service offline (e.g. to create a VectorTileCache on your device), you can choose from different versions of the service depending on your use case.

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A job that exports vector tiles from a service. The job can also export an item resource cache from a portal item.

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The parameters that specify how a vector tile cache (.vtpk) is exported from a vector tile service using an ExportVectorTilesJob. To generate parameters populated with values from the vector tile service, call ExportVectorTilesTask.createDefaultExportVectorTilesParameters(Geometry, Double). You can then modify these parameters with any desired changes. Alternatively, you can generate an empty set of parameters using ExportVectorTilesParameters.ExportVectorTilesParameters() and set the parameter values individually. To export the vector tile cache, create an ExportVectorTilesJob, pass the parameters to the ExportVectorTilesTask.createExportVectorTilesJob(ExportVectorTilesParameters, String) method and provide a path where the .vtpk file can be downloaded to on the device.

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A task used to export vector tiles and optionally a portal item's vector tile style resources. Vector tiles are exported as a vector tile package (.vtpk) file, see VectorTileCache.

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Contains information about the offline resources typically associated with a custom style of an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer. For example, an ArcGIS vector tile layer can have style resources, such as fonts and sprites.