Package-level declarations
The direction to synchronize attachments as part of geodatabase sync task.
A Job that requests a feature service to generate a geodatabase file to be downloaded for offline use.
The parameters that specify how a sync-enabled geodatabase is generated and downloaded from an ArcGIS feature service using a GenerateGeodatabaseJob. To generate parameters with values which take into account the capabilities supported by the ArcGIS feature service and the data it contains, call GeodatabaseSyncTask.createDefaultGenerateGeodatabaseParameters(Geometry). You can then modify the parameters with any desired changes. Alternatively, you can generate an empty set of parameters using GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.GenerateGeodatabaseParameters() and set the parameters individually. To create a GenerateGeodatabaseJob, pass the parameters to the GeodatabaseSyncTask.createGenerateGeodatabaseJob(GenerateGeodatabaseParameters, String) method and provide a path where the .geodatabase file can be downloaded to on the device.
An object that is used in conjunction with GenerateGeodatabaseParameters to identify what layers or tables to take offline. This object allows you to set properties on a layer or table to specify what features to take offline.
Control which features for a layer or table are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase.
Represents the delta files created to synchronize changes to a Geodatabase. A delta geodatabase is a file that contains the changes that have occurred since a mobile replica Geodatabase was last synchronized with its feature service. See [] for an overview of the delta files used in synchronization.
A task to generate and synchronize a mobile geodatabase with a sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service. Mobile geodatabases are designed for querying and viewing feature data when your app is offline. While offline, users can edit a mobile geodatabase locally and later synchronize changes with its feature service, assuming the associated service supports synchronization. While offline, the geodatabase keeps track of all local edits. When you synchronize the geodatabase with the service, the service receives the geodatabase's local edits, and the geodatabase receives the service's remote edits.
The direction to synchronize as part of geodatabase sync task.
A Job that synchronizes changes to a local geodatabase back to a feature service.
The parameters that specify how a geodatabase is synchronized with its ArcGIS feature service using a SyncGeodatabaseJob. To generate default parameters that match the geodatabase and its ArcGIS feature service, call GeodatabaseSyncTask.createDefaultSyncGeodatabaseParameters(Geodatabase). You can then modify the parameters with any desired changes. Alternatively, you can generate an empty set of parameters using SyncGeodatabaseParameters.SyncGeodatabaseParameters() and set the parameters individually. To create a SyncGeodatabaseJob, pass the parameters to the GeodatabaseSyncTask.createSyncGeodatabaseJob(SyncGeodatabaseParameters, Geodatabase) method and provide the geodatabase to be synchronized.
The can be used in conjunction with SyncGeodatabaseParameters to specify per layer synchronization options.
An object that represents the result of sync operation on a table or layer if there has been edit errors with individual features. If the server has an error applying an edit, this is returned as FeatureEditResult error. Only errors are reported, the feature edit results of a sync operation do not contain information about successful adds, deletes or updates.
The different modes for generation and synchronization of utility networks as part of a geodatabase sync task.