An OrbitGeoElementCameraController
follows a graphic while the graphic's position and rotation are animated.
Use case
Visualize movement through a 3D landscape.
How to use the sample
Animation Controls:
- Select a mission -- select a flight path
- Play/Pause -- toggles playing and stopping the animation
- Follow/Don't follow -- toggles the camera's free cam mode and follow
- Mission progress -- shows how far along the route the plane is. Slide to change keyframe in animation
- Flight speed -- controls speed of animation
How it works
- Create a
and add it to theSceneView
. - Create a
object. - Create a
object and set its geometry to aPoint
. - Set the
object to the graphic. - Add heading, pitch, and roll attributes to the graphic. Get the attributes from the graphic with
. - Create a
object and set its expression properties. - Add graphic and a renderer to the graphics overlay.
- Create a
which is set to target the graphic. - Assign the camera controller to the
. - Update the graphic's location, heading, pitch, and roll.
Relevant API
- Camera
- GlobeCameraController
- Graphic
- GraphicsOverlay
- ModelSceneSymbol
- OrbitGeoElementCameraController
- Renderer
- Scene
- SceneProperties
- SceneView
- SurfacePlacement
Offline data
This sample downloads the following items from ArcGIS Online automatically:
- - A 3D model for use within a Model Scene Symbol
- GrandCanyon.csv - CSV data for a route through the Grand Canyon
- Hawaii.csv - CSV data for a route in Hawaii
- Pyrenees.csv - CSV data for a route through the Pyrenees
- Snowdon.csv - CSV data for a route near Mount Snowdon
animation, camera, heading, pitch, roll, rotation, visualize
Sample Code
// Copyright 2018 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
using ArcGIS.Samples.Managers;
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Timers;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using PointCollection = Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.PointCollection;
using Viewpoint = Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping.Viewpoint;
namespace ArcGIS.WPF.Samples.Animate3DGraphic
name: "Animate 3D graphic",
category: "GraphicsOverlay",
description: "An `OrbitGeoElementCameraController` follows a graphic while the graphic's position and rotation are animated.",
instructions: "Animation Controls:",
tags: new[] { "animation", "camera", "heading", "pitch", "roll", "rotation", "visualize" })]
[ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.OfflineData("290f0c571c394461a8b58b6775d0bd63", "681d6f7694644709a7c830ec57a2d72b", "e87c154fb9c2487f999143df5b08e9b1", "5a9b60cee9ba41e79640a06bcdf8084d", "12509ffdc684437f8f2656b0129d2c13")]
public partial class Animate3DGraphic
// URL to the elevation service - provides terrain elevation
private readonly Uri _elevationServiceUrl = new Uri("");
// Graphic for highlighting the route in the inset map
private Graphic _routeGraphic;
// Graphic for highlighting the airplane in the inset map
private Graphic _plane2D;
// Graphic for showing the 3D plane model in the scene
private Graphic _plane3D;
// Camera controller for centering the camera on the airplane
private OrbitGeoElementCameraController _orbitCameraController;
// Timer enables frame-by-frame animation
private Timer _animationTimer;
// Number of frames in the mission animation
private int _frameCount;
// Index of current frame in the animation
private int _keyframe;
// Dictionary of mission file names and the corresponding portal item IDs
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> _missionToItemId = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Hawaii", "e87c154fb9c2487f999143df5b08e9b1"},
{"Pyrenees", "5a9b60cee9ba41e79640a06bcdf8084d"},
{"Snowdon", "12509ffdc684437f8f2656b0129d2c13"}
// Array of animation frames for the current mission
// A MissionFrame describes the position of the plane for a single moment in the animation
private MissionFrame[] _missionData;
public Animate3DGraphic()
// Create the UI, setup the control references and execute initialization
_ = Initialize();
private async Task Initialize()
// Apply appropriate maps to the scene and the inset map view
InsetMapView.Map = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISImageryStandard);
MySceneView.Scene = new Scene(BasemapStyle.ArcGISImageryStandard);
// Update the mission selection UI
MissionSelectionBox.ItemsSource = _missionToItemId.Keys;
MissionSelectionBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
// Wire up the selection change event to call the ChangeMission method; this method resets the animation and starts a new mission
MissionSelectionBox.SelectionChanged += async (sender, args) => { await ChangeMission(args.AddedItems[0].ToString()); };
// Apply the elevation source
Surface surface = new Surface();
ElevationSource elevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_elevationServiceUrl);
MySceneView.Scene.BaseSurface = surface;
// Create and add the graphics overlay
GraphicsOverlay sceneOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
SceneProperties = { SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Absolute }
// Create a renderer to handle updating plane's orientation
SimpleRenderer renderer3D = new SimpleRenderer();
RendererSceneProperties renderProperties = renderer3D.SceneProperties;
// Use expressions to keep the renderer properties updated as parameters of the rendered object
renderProperties.HeadingExpression = "[HEADING]";
renderProperties.PitchExpression = "[PITCH]";
renderProperties.RollExpression = "[ROLL]";
// Apply the renderer to the scene view's overlay
sceneOverlay.Renderer = renderer3D;
// Create renderer to symbolize plane and update plane orientation in the inset map
SimpleRenderer renderer2D = new SimpleRenderer();
// Create the symbol that will be used for the plane
SimpleMarkerSymbol plane2DSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Triangle, Color.Blue, 10);
// Apply the symbol to the renderer
renderer2D.Symbol = plane2DSymbol;
// Apply a rotation expression to the renderer
renderer2D.RotationExpression = "[ANGLE]";
// Update the inset map with a new GraphicsOverlay based on the renderer
GraphicsOverlay insetMapOperlay = new GraphicsOverlay
Renderer = renderer2D
// Create placeholder graphic for showing the mission route in the inset map
SimpleLineSymbol routeSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Red, 2);
_routeGraphic = new Graphic { Symbol = routeSymbol };
// Create the plane graphic; this is symbolized as a blue triangle because of renderer implemented above
// Create the attribute dictionary
Dictionary<string, object> plane2DAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
// Set the angle for the plane graphic
plane2DAttributes["ANGLE"] = 0f;
// Create the graphic from the attributes and the initial point
_plane2D = new Graphic(new MapPoint(0, 0, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), plane2DAttributes);
// Add the plane graphic to the inset map via the overlay
// Create the model graphic for the plane
// Get the path to the 3D model
string modelPath = GetModelPath();
// Create the scene symbol from the path to the model
ModelSceneSymbol plane3DSymbol = await ModelSceneSymbol.CreateAsync(new Uri(modelPath), 1.0);
// Create the graphic with an initial location and the plane symbol
_plane3D = new Graphic(new MapPoint(0, 0, 0, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), plane3DSymbol);
// Add the plane to the overlay
// Create the orbit camera controller to follow the plane
_orbitCameraController = new OrbitGeoElementCameraController(_plane3D, 20.0)
CameraPitchOffset = 75.0
MySceneView.CameraController = _orbitCameraController;
// Create a timer; this will enable animating the plane
// The value is the duration of the timer in milliseconds. This controls the speed of the animation (fps)
_animationTimer = new Timer(60)
Enabled = true,
AutoReset = true
// Move the plane every time the timer expires
_animationTimer.Elapsed += AnimatePlane;
// Set the initial mission for when the sample loads
await ChangeMission(_missionToItemId.Keys.First());
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Error");
private async Task ChangeMission(string mission)
// Stop animating the current mission
// Get mission data
_missionData = GetMissionData(mission);
// Draw mission route on the inset
// Create a collection of points to hold the mission
PointCollection points = new PointCollection(SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
// Add all of the points from the mission to the point collection
points.AddPoints(_missionData.Select(m => m.ToMapPoint()));
// Create a polyline to symbolize the route from the point collection
Polyline route = new Polyline(points);
// Update the route graphic's geometry with the newly created route polyline
_routeGraphic.Geometry = route;
// Update the inset map's scale
await InsetMapView.SetViewpointScaleAsync(100000);
// Update animation parameters
_frameCount = _missionData.Length;
_keyframe = 0;
// At the start of a new mission, follow the animated plane
private MissionFrame[] GetMissionData(string mission)
// Get the path to the file
string filePath = GetMissionFilePath(mission);
// Read the file text
string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
// Split the file contents into a list of lines
return fileContents.Split('\n')
// Then for each line, create a MissionFrame object
// Then remove any null MissionFrames
.Where(missionPart => missionPart != null)
// Finally return that list of MissionFrames as an array
private string GetMissionFilePath(string mission)
string itemId = _missionToItemId[mission];
string filename = mission + ".csv";
return DataManager.GetDataFolder(itemId, filename);
private void AnimatePlane(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs elapsedEventArgs)
// Get the next position; % prevents going out of bounds even if the keyframe value is
// changed unexpectedly (e.g. due to user interaction with the progress slider).
MissionFrame currentFrame = _missionData[_keyframe % _frameCount];
// Update the UI
double missionProgress = _keyframe / (double)_frameCount;
// This is needed because the event could be running on a non-UI thread
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
// Update the progress slider
MissionProgressBar.Value = missionProgress;
// Update stats display
AltitudeLabel.Text = currentFrame.Elevation.ToString("F") + "m";
HeadingLabel.Text = currentFrame.Heading.ToString("F") + "\u00b0";
PitchLabel.Text = currentFrame.Pitch.ToString("F") + "\u00b0";
RollLabel.Text = currentFrame.Roll.ToString("F") + "\u00b0";
// Update plane's position
_plane3D.Geometry = currentFrame.ToMapPoint();
_plane3D.Attributes["HEADING"] = currentFrame.Heading;
_plane3D.Attributes["PITCH"] = currentFrame.Pitch;
_plane3D.Attributes["ROLL"] = currentFrame.Roll;
// Update the inset map; plane symbol position
_plane2D.Geometry = currentFrame.ToMapPoint();
// Update inset's viewpoint and heading
Viewpoint vp = new Viewpoint(currentFrame.ToMapPoint(), InsetMapView.MapScale,
360 + (float)currentFrame.Heading);
// Update the keyframe. This advances the animation
// Restart the animation if it has finished
if (_keyframe >= _frameCount)
_keyframe = 0;
private static string GetModelPath()
return DataManager.GetDataFolder("681d6f7694644709a7c830ec57a2d72b", "Bristol.dae");
private void MissionPlayPlauseClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Get a reference to the button that sent the event
Button playButton = (Button)sender;
// Get the text of the button
string playtext = playButton.Content.ToString();
switch (playtext)
// Resume the animation
case "Play":
playButton.Content = "Pause";
// Stop the animation
case "Pause":
playButton.Content = "Play";
private void MissionProgressOnSeek(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
// Get a reference to the slider that sent the event
Slider sliderControl = (Slider)sender;
// Return if the user didn't change the progress
// (this event is also fired when the value is changed programmatically)
if (!sliderControl.IsFocused)
// Stop the animation
// Get the new mission progress
double missionProgress = e.NewValue;
// Update the keyframe based on the progress
_keyframe = (int)(missionProgress * _frameCount);
// Set the MissionPlayPause button back to the currently 'playing' state
MissionPlayPause.Content = "Pause";
// Restart the animation
private void ToggleFollowPlane(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Get the current text of the button
FollowPlane(CameraControlButton.Content.ToString() == "Follow");
private void FollowPlane(bool follow)
if (follow)
CameraControlButton.Content = "Don't follow";
MySceneView.CameraController = _orbitCameraController;
// Stop following
CameraControlButton.Content = "Follow";
// Setting the scene view's camera controller to null has the effect of resetting the value to the default
MySceneView.CameraController = null;
private void MissionPlaySpeedChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
// Return if timer not initialized yet
if (_animationTimer == null)
// Get the speed multiplier from the slider value
double speedMultiplier = e.NewValue;
// Stop the animation
// Update the animation speed
_animationTimer.Interval = 60 / speedMultiplier;
// Set the MissionPlayPause button back to the currently 'playing' state
MissionPlayPause.Content = "Pause";
// Restart the animation
/// <summary>
/// Private helper class represents a single frame in the animation
/// </summary>
private class MissionFrame
private double Longitude { get; set; }
private double Latitude { get; set; }
public double Elevation { get; private set; }
public double Heading { get; private set; }
public double Pitch { get; private set; }
public double Roll { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Private constructor ensures that only the factory method (Create) can be called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="missionLine">A string describing a single frame in the mission animation.</param>
private MissionFrame(string missionLine)
// Split the string into a list of entries (columns)
// Example line: -156.3666517,20.6255059,999.999908,83.77659,.00009,-47.766567
string[] missionFrameParameters = missionLine.Split(',');
// Throw if the line isn't valid
if (missionFrameParameters.Length != 6)
throw new Exception("Invalid mission part definition");
// Populate the object's properties from the array of parameters
Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(missionFrameParameters[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(missionFrameParameters[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Elevation = Convert.ToDouble(missionFrameParameters[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Heading = Convert.ToDouble(missionFrameParameters[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Pitch = Convert.ToDouble(missionFrameParameters[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Roll = Convert.ToDouble(missionFrameParameters[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new MissionFrame.
/// The private constructor + static construction method allows
/// for keeping the exception-handling logic for the constructor
/// internal to the class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="missionLine">A string describing a single frame in the mission animation</param>
/// <returns>Constructed MissionFrame or null if the line is invalid</returns>
public static MissionFrame Create(string missionLine)
return new MissionFrame(missionLine);
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
public MapPoint ToMapPoint()
return new MapPoint(Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);