What's new in version 1.5.2



  • Fixed the Item.usage() to correctly process 6M and 1Y input date ranges
  • Fixed map widget so default basemap draws if gis has not been set
  • Fixed StoryMap.save() method for when gis is ArcGIS Enterprise
  • Improved various features.analysis tools to accept lists of FeatureLayers as inputs
  • Fixed add_layer() to properly render layers with definition expressions
  • Fixed issue with geometry.filters incorrectly processing various geometry types
  • Fixed ServerManager.list() function to improve reading of returned servers
  • Fixed Spatially Enabled DataFrame from_layer() function to better read date input
  • Fixed issue with clear_graphics() function not removing layers when run consecutively
  • Fixed issue with Item thumbnails not rendring properly under specific circumstances in Jupyter notebooks
  • Fixed import_data() function to publish Spatially Enabled DataFrames as Feature Layers
  • Improved handling of date fields in the query() method

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