What's new in version 1.8.3


  • Adds ujson library as a dependency for JSON parsing to improve performance

New Guides

New Samples





  • Adds environment variables:
  • union_dimension
  • match_variables






  • Enhances API to utilize the hosted imagery and raster analysis capabilities available with the June 2020 ArcGIS Online
  • Adds tiles_only keyword argument to functions
  • build_multidimensional_transpose()
  • Adds new parameter:
  • delete_transpose (Parameter available in ArcGIS Image Server 10.9 or higher)
  • summarize_raster_within()
  • Adds new parameter:
  • percentile_interpolation_type(Parameter available in ArcGIS Image Server 10.9 or higher)
  • Enhanced the following functions to accept local datasets to create hosted imagery layers
  • create_image_collection()
  • copy_raster()
  • Adds merge_multidimensional_rasters() function (requires ArcGIS Image Server 10.9 or higher)
  • calculate_density()
  • Adds input_barriers parameter (requires in ArcGIS Image Server 10.9 and higher)
  • optimal_path_as_line()
  • Adds create_network_paths parameter (requires in ArcGIS Image Server 10.9 and higher)


  • Adds new functions:
  • detect_change_using_change_analysis_raster
  • trend_to_rgb
  • apparent_reflectance
  • buffered
  • rasterize_features
  • reproject
  • heat_index
  • wind_chill
  • aspect_slope
  • contour
  • compute_change
  • aggregate
  • bai
  • nbr
  • ndbi
  • ndmi
  • ndsi
  • mndwi
  • band_arithmetic()
  • Adds new options for method:
    • BAI
    • NBR
    • NDBI
    • NDMI
    • NDSI
    • MNDWI
  • generate_trend()
  • Adds options for regression_type parameter:
  • Adds new parameter:
    • seasonal_period
  • focal_statistics()
  • Adds new options for stat_type:
    • Median
    • Majority
    • Minority
  • composite_band()
  • Adds cellsize_type parameter
  • geometric()
  • Adds new parameters:
    • tolerance
    • dem


  • Adds new functions:
  • boundary_clean() (Parameter available in ArcGIS Image Server 10.9 or higher)
  • zonal_statistics()
  • Adds new parameter:
  • percentile_interpolation_type (Parameter available in ArcGIS Image Server 10.9 or higher)
  • kernel_density()
  • Adds in_barriers parameter (Parameter available in ArcGIS Image Server 10.9 and higher)


  • Enhanced module to work with ArcGIS Online


  • summarize_data submodule
    • Adds time stepping parameters to summarize_attributes() for 10.9+ releases
      • time_step_interval
      • time_step_interval_unit
      • time_step_repeat_interval
      • time_step_repeat_interval_unit
      • time_step_reference


  • Adds missing api reference documentation



  • GeoJSONLayer
  • Adds data parameter to allow plotting from a string or local file




  • Adds ability to save model_metric.html
  • Adds time spent per epoch
  • Adds extension to support transformer models
  • Adds f1_score() description to API reference
  • adds default transformations
  • FasterRCNN
  • Adds multispectrals support when tensorboard=True
  • Adds predict() method
  • Adds predict_video()
  • Adds support for kwargs parameter
  • MLModel
  • Adds support for unsupervised learning
  • Clustering Models
  • Gaussian Mixture Models
  • Novelty and Outlier Detection Models
  • Adds methods:
  • decision_function()
  • feature_importances()
  • predict()
  • renames output_raster_folder_path to output_raster_path
  • renames predict_features to prediction_type
  • Adds multiband raster support
  • FeatureClassifier
  • Adds multi-label support for training
  • Adds note to oversample parameter explaining supported datasets
  • Adds parameters to save():
    • compute_metrics
    • save_optimizer
    • save_inference_file
  • Adds note to predict() that it only supports RGB images
  • Adds PointRend to improve performance for:
  • DeepLab
  • PSPNetClassifer
  • MaskRCNN
  • PointCNN
  • Updates how transforms are applied on point cloud so both original data and trasformed data passed
  • Updates dependencies in SciPy and removes dependencies on transform3d and plotly-orca
  • Adds ability to preserve classcodes in file when using predict_las()





  • Fixes parameter names in PortalDataStore.publish() code example for the config parameter
  • Fixes authentication error with Python 3.7 and Notebook Server
  • Clarifies documentation for storageUsage parameter of User objects
  • Fixes issue with ArcGIS online comments with certain unicode characters not getting returned properly
  • Fixes error with clone_items() on Survey items
  • Fixes deprecation warnings when import API in Notebook Server
  • Item
  • Fixes documentation error in parameter table for reassign_to()
  • UserManager
  • Fixes KeyError: UserTypes error with create() when user_settings configured improperly
  • Fixes token errors with public Geometry and Geoprocessing services affecting API and Notebook Server
  • Fixes BUG-000133849 - data resource is missing when KML or KMZ files are added to ArcGIS Online
  • ContentManager
  • Fixes BUG-000133739 - clone_items() on hosted feature layer views returns JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) error
  • GroupMigrationManger
  • Fixes to inspect() and load() not recoginizing new items


  • Fixes error returning ArcGIS Online history() when return type is a DataFrame


  • Fixes issue where a "/" added to the server admin url creates invalid connection
  • Fixes issue when creating Server object without a Portal connection on a Federated Server
  • Fixes issue with mangled URL when connecting to unfederated servers URL
  • ReportManager
  • BUG-000133053 list() method returns error if a saved report created from ArcGIS Server manager exists on server
  • Fixes issue when create() fails if existing reports named as integers
  • Fixes errors in create() documentation for parameters:
    • queries
    • from_value
    • to_value
  • Fixes BUG-000134098 unexpected keyword argument from_value error in quick_report()
  • Removes incorrect option from since parameter documentation for quick_report()







  • Sets default values for optional parameters to None to rely on service defaults whether in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise



  • Updates suggest() so location parameteris optional


  • Fixes issue with various functions ignoring inplace paramter default value
  • Fixes issue with various functions not returning the spatialReference with output
  • Fixes issue with Polygon failing if order of geometries used is not correct for EsriJSON format


  • Fixes BUG-000131799 - import_tiles() returns error:"'Response' object is not subscriptable" because of improper url construction
  • Fixes error when extent parameter for OfflineMapAreaManager.create() is a bookmark or dictionary
  • WebMap
  • Fixes AttributeError: layerType error when calling save()
  • Fixes error on save() if WebMap object had a FeatureLayerColletion added with add_layer()
  • Fixes issue with add_layer() where only layers are added from an an Item or FeatureLayerCollection that has both layers and tables
  • Fixes issue with add_table() trying to get a renderer when adding
  • Fixes BUG-000131725 - complex symbology is not preserved for Map Service added using the add_layer() function
  • Fixes issue with zoom_to_layer() function failing to display layer if called before map has fully loaded




  • Disables saving optimizer by default (default value of save_optimizer parameter False in models
  • Numerous documentation enhancements
  • Fixes fit() methods on multiple models when using tensorboard=True
  • Fixes bug with prepare_data() failing with Multispectral data when gdal is not installed
  • Removes unnecessary warning messages when debugging is set
  • Fixes issue where classcodes are not preserved in output raster when training data has non-contiguous classcode labels for Pixel Classification models
  • Fixes issue with inferencing when prepare_data() dataset_type parameter is ChangeDetection and training data is multispectral
  • detect_objects()
  • Fixes warning messages when deciding between GPU or CPU
  • SuperResolution
  • Fixes prepare_data issue when not creating labels when called without downsampling_factor
  • fixes issue with default transforms causing prediction errors
  • fixes error when image data format is tiff
  • fixes chip_size causing artifacts while inferencing
  • Fixes errors when gdal was not handling non-contiguous class segementation
  • EntityRecognizer
  • Fixes issues with large loss values during model training
  • Fixes per epoch metric calculation bug
  • Fixes lr_find() to run for at least one full epoch per learning rate
  • Fixes issue with lr_find() output when data prepared with batch_size of 2
  • Fixes text column to be first column in show_batch()
  • FeatureClassifier
  • Fixes issue with fit() not displaying results after training with multipsectral data
  • Fixes issues with show_results() failing with smaller validation datasets
  • Fixes failures of plot_hard_examples() with multilabel model
  • Fixes errors when running fit() if oversample=True
  • Fixes issues with plot_losses()
  • UnetClassifier
  • Fixes issue with incorrect exceptions raised when object craeted with no data
  • Fixes missing model type information from output of save()
  • Fixes ValueError with lr_find() and fit()
  • Fixes show_results() tesnor shape error
  • Fixes class weights not used even after specifying class_balancing=True
  • Fixes class weights not matching number of classes when data has been exported with one class having pixel value 0
  • Fixes inconsistent accuracy() results between fitting and loading
  • PSPNetClassifier
  • Fixes missing model type information from output of save()
  • Fixes inconsistent accuracy() results between fitting and loading
  • Fixes ValueError with lr_find() and fit()
  • Fixes NameError when intializing with use_unet and unet_aux_loss both set to True
  • Fixes class weights not used even after specifying class_balancing=True
  • Fixes class weights not matching number of classes when data has been exported with one class having pixel value 0
  • Fixes error with lr_find() and VGG backbones if model created with use_unet=True
  • Fixes errors in fit() on object created wtih VGG backbone and pointrend=True
  • DeepLab
  • Fixes class weights not used even after specifying class_balancing=True
  • Fixes class weights not matching number of classes when data has been exported with one class having pixel value 0
  • Fixes inconsistent accuracy() results between fitting and loading
  • MaskRCNN
  • Fixes situation with incorrect labels when multiband data is exported
  • FasterRCNN
  • Fixes show_results() failing with multispectral data
  • Fixes issue with save() raising exception instead of returning no boxes when using default parameters
  • Fixes fit() method when tensorboard=True
  • RetinaNet
  • Fixes to auto-detection routines to determine CPU or GPU hardware available
  • PointCNN
  • Fixes predict_las() failing when output folder is not empty or has files with pred in name or .las extension
  • Fixes issues with las and h5 files remaining open after using
  • Fixes issue predict_las() failing if .las files have a period in the filename
  • Multiple fixes to documentation
  • SingleShotDetector
  • Fixes predict() TypeError when using multispectral data
  • Fixes errors when initializing with mobilnet_v2 or densenet backbones
  • Fixes errows with predict() when using multipsectral data and visualize=True
  • EntityRecognizer
  • Fixes issues with incorrect exceptions raised caling fit() or lr_find() if object initialized without data
  • Fixes issue where saving checkpoint was not using the most apt value of validation loss when early_stopping is set to true
  • Fixes issue where the HTML file with model metrices (model_metrices.html) not getting saved when training UnetClassifer, PSPNetClassifier, DeepLab, SingelShotDetector and RetinaNet models

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