Part 5 - Working with Time Series Data

In the previous notebook, we learned how to be more productive with Pandas by using sophisticated multi-level indexing, aggregating and combining data. In this notebook, we will explore the capabilities for working with Time Series data. We will start with the default datetime object in Python and then jump to data structures for working with time series data in Pandas. Let's dive into the details.

# Import libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Time Series are one of the most common types of structured data that we encounter in daily life. Stock prices, weather data, energy usage, and even digital health, are all examples of data that can be collected at different time intervals. Pandas was developed in the context of financial modeling, so it contains an extensive set of tools for working with dates, times, and time-indexed data. Date and Time data comes in various flavors such as:

  • Timestamps: for specific instants in time such as November 5th, 2020 at 7:00am
  • Fixed periods: such as the month November 2010 or the full year 2020
  • Intervals of time: length of time between a particular beginning and end point
  • Time deltas: reference an exact length of time such as a duration of 30.5 seconds

In this notebook, we will briefly introduce date and time data types in native python and then focus on how to work with date/time data in Pandas.

Date and Time in Python

Python's basic objects for working with time series data reside in the datetime module. Let's look at some examples.

# Import datetime
from datetime import datetime

Building datetime object

datetime objects can be used to quickly perform a host of useful functionalities. A date can be built in various ways and then properties of a datetime object can be used to get specific date and time details from it.

# Build a date
now =
datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 25, 13, 23, 22, 106620) creates a datetime object with current date and time down to the microsecond.

# Get date and time details from current date
print('Year: ', now.year)
print('Month: ', now.month)
print('Day: ',
print('Hour: ', now.hour)
print('Minutes: ', now.minute)
print('Seconds: ', now.second)
print('Microsecond: ', now.microsecond)
Year:  2020
Month:  11
Day:  25
Hour:  13
Minutes:  23
Seconds:  22
Microsecond:  106620

A datetime object can also be created by specifying year, month, day, and other details.

datetime(year=2020, month=9, day=10)
datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 10, 0, 0)
datetime(year=2020, month=9, day=10, hour=11, minute=30)
datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 10, 11, 30)

Converting between String and DateTime

strftime and strptime methods can be used to format datetime objects and pandas Timestamp objects (discussed later in this section).

  • strftime - convert object to a string according to a given format
  • strptime - parse a string into a datetime object given a corresponding format

Using strftime and strptime

strftime can be used to convert a datetime object to a string according to a given format. Standard string format codes for printing dates can read about in the strftime section of Python's datetime documentation.

# print data
datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 25, 13, 23, 22, 106620)
# apply strftime

print(now.strftime('%B %d, %Y'))
print(now.strftime('%d %b, %Y'))
November 25, 2020
25 Nov, 2020
# Check type
<class 'str'>

Similarly, strptime can be used to parse a string into a datetime object.

xmas_day = '2020-12-25'
datetime.strptime(xmas_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 25, 0, 0)
random_day = '20200422T203448'
datetime.strptime(random_day, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 22, 20, 34, 48)

While datetime.strptime is a good way to parse a date when a format is known, it can be annoying to write a format each time.

Using parser.parse

dateutil module provides the parser.parse method that can parse dates from a variety of string formats.

# Import parse
from dateutil.parser import parse
# Parse various strings
xmas_day = '2020-12-25'
ind_day = '4th of July, 2015'
random_day = 'Nov 05, 2020 10:45 PM'
random_day2 = '20200422T203448'

2020-12-25 00:00:00
2015-07-04 00:00:00
2020-11-05 22:45:00
2020-04-22 20:34:48
# Check type
<class 'datetime.datetime'>

Date and Time in Pandas

Pandas provides the following fundamental data structures for working with time series data:

  • Timestamp type for working with time stamps. A replacement for Python's native datetime, it is based on the more efficient numpy.datetime64 data type. The associated Index structure is DatetimeIndex
  • Period type for working with time Periods. The associated index structure is PeriodIndex
  • Timedelta type for working with time deltas or durations. The associated index structure is TimedeltaIndex

The Basics

Pandas provides a Timestamp object, which combines the ease of datetime and dateutil with the efficient storage of numpy.datetime64. The to_datetime method parses many different kinds of date representations returning a Timestamp object.

Passing a single date to to_datetime returns a Timestamp.

# Create timestamp object
ind_day = pd.to_datetime('4th of July, 2020')
Timestamp('2020-07-04 00:00:00')

strftime can be used to convert this object to a string according to a given format.

# Get full name of Month using strftime


Passing a series of dates by default returns a DatetimeIndex which can be used to index data in a Series or DataFrame.

dates = pd.to_datetime([datetime(2020, 12, 25), '4th of July, 2020',
                       '2018-Oct-6', '07-07-2017', '20200508', '20200422T203448'])
DatetimeIndex(['2020-12-25 00:00:00', '2020-07-04 00:00:00',
               '2018-10-06 00:00:00', '2017-07-07 00:00:00',
               '2020-05-08 00:00:00', '2020-04-22 20:34:48'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

DatetimeIndex objects do not have a frequency (hourly, daily, monthly etc.) by default, as they are just snapshots in time. As a result, arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, or multiplication cannot be performed directly.

Pandas also supports converting integer or float epoch times to Timestamp and DatetimeIndex. The default unit is nanoseconds, since that is how Timestamp objects are stored internally.

# Create Timestamp
Timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:01.349720105')
# Create DatetimeIndex with seconds
pd.to_datetime([1349720105, 1349806505, 1349892905,
               1349979305, 1350065705], unit='s')
DatetimeIndex(['2012-10-08 18:15:05', '2012-10-09 18:15:05',
               '2012-10-10 18:15:05', '2012-10-11 18:15:05',
               '2012-10-12 18:15:05'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

Notice that the date values change based on the unit specified.

# Create DatetimeIndex with milliseconds
pd.to_datetime([1349720105, 1349806505, 1349892905,
               1349979305, 1350065705], unit='ms')
DatetimeIndex(['1970-01-16 14:55:20.105000', '1970-01-16 14:56:46.505000',
               '1970-01-16 14:58:12.905000', '1970-01-16 14:59:39.305000',
               '1970-01-16 15:01:05.705000'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
pd.to_datetime([1349720105, 1349806505, 1349892905,
               1349979305, 1350065705], unit='ns')
DatetimeIndex(['1970-01-01 00:00:01.349720105',
               '1970-01-01 00:00:01.349806505',
               '1970-01-01 00:00:01.349892905',
               '1970-01-01 00:00:01.349979305',
               '1970-01-01 00:00:01.350065705'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)


A Timestamp represents a point in time, whereas a Period represents an interval in time. Time Periods can be used to check if a specific event occurs within a certain period, such as when monitoring the number of flights taking off or the average stock price during a period.

A DatetimeIndex object can be converted to a PeriodIndex using the to_period() function by specifying a frequency (such as D to indicate daily frequency).

# Create daily time periods
period_daily = dates.to_period('D')
PeriodIndex(['2020-12-25', '2020-07-04', '2018-10-06', '2017-07-07',
             '2020-05-08', '2020-04-22'],
            dtype='period[D]', freq='D')

Since a period represents a time interval, it has a start_time and an end_time.

# Start time of a Period
DatetimeIndex(['2020-12-25', '2020-07-04', '2018-10-06', '2017-07-07',
               '2020-05-08', '2020-04-22'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
# End time of a Period
DatetimeIndex(['2020-12-25 23:59:59.999999999',
               '2020-07-04 23:59:59.999999999',
               '2018-10-06 23:59:59.999999999',
               '2017-07-07 23:59:59.999999999',
               '2020-05-08 23:59:59.999999999',
               '2020-04-22 23:59:59.999999999'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

Note that the start_time and end_time are DatetimeIndex objects because the start and end times are just a snapshot in time of the time period.

To reiterate the concept, let's look at another example.

# Create time period
p1 = pd.Period('2020-12-25')
print('Period is: ', p1)

# Create time stamp
t1 = pd.Timestamp('2020-12-25 18:12')
print('Timestamp is: ', t1)

# Test Time interval
p1.start_time < t1 < p1.end_time
Period is:  2020-12-25
Timestamp is:  2020-12-25 18:12:00

Since Period is an interval of time, the test returns True showing that Timestamp lies within the time interval.

Arithmetic Operations

Now that a frequency is associated with the object, various arithmetic operations can be performed.

# Subtract 30 days 
period_daily - 30
PeriodIndex(['2020-11-25', '2020-06-04', '2018-09-06', '2017-06-07',
             '2020-04-08', '2020-03-23'],
            dtype='period[D]', freq='D')
# Add 10 days
period_daily + 10
PeriodIndex(['2021-01-04', '2020-07-14', '2018-10-16', '2017-07-17',
             '2020-05-18', '2020-05-02'],
            dtype='period[D]', freq='D')

Similarly, we can create time periods with monthly frequency and perform arithmetic operations.

# Create monthly frequency
period_monthly = dates.to_period('M')
PeriodIndex(['2020-12', '2020-07', '2018-10', '2017-07', '2020-05', '2020-04'], dtype='period[M]', freq='M')
# Subtract 12 months
period_monthly - 12
PeriodIndex(['2019-12', '2019-07', '2017-10', '2016-07', '2019-05', '2019-04'], dtype='period[M]', freq='M')
# Add 10 months
period_monthly + 10
PeriodIndex(['2021-10', '2021-05', '2019-08', '2018-05', '2021-03', '2021-02'], dtype='period[M]', freq='M')


Time deltas represent the temporal difference between two datetime objects. Time deltas come in handy when you need to calculate the difference between two dates. A TimedeltaIndex can be easily created by subtracting a date from dates.

# Subtract a specific date from dates
dates - pd.to_datetime('2020-05-15')
TimedeltaIndex([   '224 days 00:00:00',     '50 days 00:00:00',
                 '-587 days +00:00:00', '-1043 days +00:00:00',
                   '-7 days +00:00:00',   '-23 days +20:34:48'],
               dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None)
# Subtract date using index
dates - dates[3]
TimedeltaIndex(['1267 days 00:00:00', '1093 days 00:00:00',
                 '456 days 00:00:00',    '0 days 00:00:00',
                '1036 days 00:00:00', '1020 days 20:34:48'],
               dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None)

Date Range and Frequency

Regular date sequences can be created using functions, such as pd.date_range() for timestamps, pd.period_range() for periods, and pd.timedelta_range() for time deltas. For many applications, this is sufficient. Fixed frequency, such as daily, monthly, or every 15 minutes, are often desirable. Pandas provides a full suite of standard time series frequencies found here.

  • Create a Sequence of Dates - by default, the frequency is daily. Both the start and end dates are included in the result.
pd.date_range('2020-08-03', '2020-08-10')
DatetimeIndex(['2020-08-03', '2020-08-04', '2020-08-05', '2020-08-06',
               '2020-08-07', '2020-08-08', '2020-08-09', '2020-08-10'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')
  • Sequence of Dates with Period - alternatively, a date range can be specified with a startpoint and a number of periods.
dt_rng = pd.date_range('2020-08-03', periods=8)
DatetimeIndex(['2020-08-03', '2020-08-04', '2020-08-05', '2020-08-06',
               '2020-08-07', '2020-08-08', '2020-08-09', '2020-08-10'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

Note that the output when using date_range() is a DatetimeIndex object where each date is a snapshot in time (Timestamp).

Timestamp('2020-08-03 00:00:00', freq='D')
  • Changing the Frequency - the frequency can be modified by altering the freq argument. Pandas provides a full suite of standard time series frequencies found here.
# Date range with Hourly Frequency
pd.date_range('2020-08-03', periods=8, freq='H')
DatetimeIndex(['2020-08-03 00:00:00', '2020-08-03 01:00:00',
               '2020-08-03 02:00:00', '2020-08-03 03:00:00',
               '2020-08-03 04:00:00', '2020-08-03 05:00:00',
               '2020-08-03 06:00:00', '2020-08-03 07:00:00'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='H')
# Date range with Month Start Frequency
pd.date_range('2020-02-03', periods=8, freq='MS')
DatetimeIndex(['2020-03-01', '2020-04-01', '2020-05-01', '2020-06-01',
               '2020-07-01', '2020-08-01', '2020-09-01', '2020-10-01'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='MS')
  • Create a Sequence of Periods
# Period Range with Monthly Frequency
pd.period_range('2020-02-03', periods=8, freq='M')
PeriodIndex(['2020-02', '2020-03', '2020-04', '2020-05', '2020-06', '2020-07',
             '2020-08', '2020-09'],
            dtype='period[M]', freq='M')

pd.period_range() generated eight periods with monthly frequency. Note that the output is a PeriodIndex object. As mentioned earlier, Period represents an interval in time, whereas Timestamp represents a point in time.

prd_rng = pd.period_range('2020-02-03', periods=8, freq='D')
PeriodIndex(['2020-02-03', '2020-02-04', '2020-02-05', '2020-02-06',
             '2020-02-07', '2020-02-08', '2020-02-09', '2020-02-10'],
            dtype='period[D]', freq='D')
# Print start and end times
print('Start time for period at 0 index: ', prd_rng[0].start_time)
print('End time for period at 0 index: ', prd_rng[0].end_time)
Start time for period at 0 index:  2020-02-03 00:00:00
End time for period at 0 index:  2020-02-03 23:59:59.999999999
  • Create a Sequence of Durations (Time Deltas)
# Time Deltas with daily frequency
pd.timedelta_range(start='1 day', periods=6)
TimedeltaIndex(['1 days', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days', '5 days', '6 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq='D')
# Time deltas with hourly frequency
pd.timedelta_range(0, periods=8, freq='H')
TimedeltaIndex(['00:00:00', '01:00:00', '02:00:00', '03:00:00', '04:00:00',
                '05:00:00', '06:00:00', '07:00:00'],
               dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq='H')
# Time deltas with a 6 hour frequency
pd.timedelta_range(start='1 day', end='3 days', freq='6H')
TimedeltaIndex(['1 days 00:00:00', '1 days 06:00:00', '1 days 12:00:00',
                '1 days 18:00:00', '2 days 00:00:00', '2 days 06:00:00',
                '2 days 12:00:00', '2 days 18:00:00', '3 days 00:00:00'],
               dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq='6H')

Combining Frequency Codes

Frequency codes can also be combined with numbers to specify other frequencies. For example, a frequency of 1 hour and 30 minutes can be created by combining the hour H and minute T codes.

pd.date_range('2020-08-03', periods=10, freq='1H30T')
DatetimeIndex(['2020-08-03 00:00:00', '2020-08-03 01:30:00',
               '2020-08-03 03:00:00', '2020-08-03 04:30:00',
               '2020-08-03 06:00:00', '2020-08-03 07:30:00',
               '2020-08-03 09:00:00', '2020-08-03 10:30:00',
               '2020-08-03 12:00:00', '2020-08-03 13:30:00'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='90T')

Similarly, a frequency of 1 day 5 hours and 30 mins can be created by combining the day D, hour H and minute T codes. As an example, we will create a timedelta_range.

pd.timedelta_range(0, periods=10, freq='1D5H30T')
TimedeltaIndex([ '0 days 00:00:00',  '1 days 05:30:00',  '2 days 11:00:00',
                 '3 days 16:30:00',  '4 days 22:00:00',  '6 days 03:30:00',
                 '7 days 09:00:00',  '8 days 14:30:00',  '9 days 20:00:00',
                '11 days 01:30:00'],
               dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq='1770T')

Indexing and Selection

Pandas time series tools provide the ability to use dates and times as indices to organize data. This allows for the benefits of indexed data, such as automatic alignment, data slicing, and selection etc.

Pandas was developed with a financial context, so it includes some very specific tools for financial data. The pandas-datareader package (installable via conda install pandas-datareader) can import financial data from a number of available sources. Here, we will load stock price data for GE as an example.

# Get stock data
from pandas_datareader import data

ge = data.DataReader('GE', start='2010', end='2021',
HighLowOpenCloseVolumeAdj Close
# Check data type

Pandas stores timestamps using NumPy’s datetime64 data type at the nanosecond level. Scalar values from a DatetimeIndex are pandas Timestamp objects.

# Check data type
Timestamp('2010-01-04 00:00:00')
  • Select Data for Specific Date
High         2.561539e+01
Low          2.519231e+01
Open         2.550961e+01
Close        2.529808e+01
Volume       2.897240e+07
Adj Close    2.216700e+01
Name: 2015-07-06 00:00:00, dtype: float64
  • Dates can be specified in different formats as follows:
print(ge.loc[datetime(2015, 7, 6),:])
High         2.561539e+01
Low          2.519231e+01
Open         2.550961e+01
Close        2.529808e+01
Volume       2.897240e+07
Adj Close    2.216700e+01
Name: 2015-07-06 00:00:00, dtype: float64
High         2.561539e+01
Low          2.519231e+01
Open         2.550961e+01
Close        2.529808e+01
Volume       2.897240e+07
Adj Close    2.216700e+01
Name: 2015-07-06 00:00:00, dtype: float64
High         2.561539e+01
Low          2.519231e+01
Open         2.550961e+01
Close        2.529808e+01
Volume       2.897240e+07
Adj Close    2.216700e+01
Name: 2015-07-06 00:00:00, dtype: float64
  • Partial string indexing allows for selection using just the year or month
# Using year
HighLowOpenCloseVolumeAdj Close

229 rows × 6 columns

# Using year-month
HighLowOpenCloseVolumeAdj Close
  • Timestamps can be sliced using the : notation
# Slice using Dates
HighLowOpenCloseVolumeAdj Close
# Slice using year-month
HighLowOpenCloseVolumeAdj Close

64 rows × 6 columns

Resampling, Shifting, and Windowing


The process of converting a time series from one frequency to another is called Resampling. When higher frequency data is aggregated to lower frequency, it is called downsampling, while converting lower frequency to higher frequency is called upsampling. For simplicity, we'll use just the closing price Close data.

ge = ge['Close']
2010-01-04    14.855769
2010-01-05    14.932693
2010-01-06    14.855769
2010-01-07    15.625000
2010-01-08    15.961538
Name: Close, dtype: float64

Resampling can be done using the resample() method, or the much simpler asfreq() method.

  • resample(): is a data aggregation method. It is a flexible and high-performance method that can be used to process very large time series.
  • asfreq(): is a data selection method.

We will downsample the data using 'business year end' frequency BA and create a plot of the data returned after applying the two functions.

# Using resample()
2010-12-31    15.893658
2011-12-30    17.434333
2012-12-31    19.453038
2013-12-31    23.083371
2014-12-31    24.994277
2015-12-31    25.767819
2016-12-30    29.180174
2017-12-29    24.972418
2018-12-31    12.402774
2019-12-31     9.782701
2020-12-31     7.963930
Freq: BA-DEC, Name: Close, dtype: float64
# Using asfreq()
2010-12-31    17.586538
2011-12-30    17.221153
2012-12-31    20.182692
2013-12-31    26.951923
2014-12-31    24.298077
2015-12-31    29.951923
2016-12-30    30.384615
2017-12-29    16.778847
2018-12-31     7.278846
2019-12-31    11.160000
Freq: BA-DEC, Name: Close, dtype: float64
Downsample Plot

Plot the down-sampled data to compare the returned data of the two functions.

# Import Plotting libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn; seaborn.set()
# Plot data
ge.plot(alpha=0.5, style='-')
plt.legend(['input', 'resample', 'asfreq'],
           loc='upper left');
<Figure size 1080x720 with 1 Axes>

We can see that at each point, resample returns the average of the previous year, as shown by the dotted line, while asfreq reports the value at the end of the year, as shown by dashed line.

Upsampling involves converting from a low frequency to a higher frequency where no aggregation is needed. resample() and asfreq() are largely equivalent in the case of upsampling. The default for both methods is to leave the up-sampled points empty (filled with NA values). The asfreq() method accepts arguments to specify how values are imputed.

We will subset the data and then upsample with daily D frequency.

# Subset Data
ge_up_data = ge.iloc[:10]
2010-01-04    14.855769
2010-01-05    14.932693
2010-01-06    14.855769
2010-01-07    15.625000
2010-01-08    15.961538
2010-01-11    16.115385
2010-01-12    16.125000
2010-01-13    16.182692
2010-01-14    16.057692
2010-01-15    15.807693
Name: Close, dtype: float64
# Upsample with Daily frequency
2010-01-04    14.855769
2010-01-05    14.932693
2010-01-06    14.855769
2010-01-07    15.625000
2010-01-08    15.961538
2010-01-09          NaN
2010-01-10          NaN
2010-01-11    16.115385
2010-01-12    16.125000
2010-01-13    16.182692
2010-01-14    16.057692
2010-01-15    15.807693
Freq: D, Name: Close, dtype: float64

The default is to leave the up-sampled points empty (filled with NA values). Forward ffill or Backward bfill methods can be used to impute missing values.

# Using forward fill
ge_up_data.asfreq('D', method='ffill')
2010-01-04    14.855769
2010-01-05    14.932693
2010-01-06    14.855769
2010-01-07    15.625000
2010-01-08    15.961538
2010-01-09    15.961538
2010-01-10    15.961538
2010-01-11    16.115385
2010-01-12    16.125000
2010-01-13    16.182692
2010-01-14    16.057692
2010-01-15    15.807693
Freq: D, Name: Close, dtype: float64
Upsample Plot

Plot the up-sampled data to compare the data returned from various fill methods.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(10,8), sharex=True)

ge_up_data.asfreq('D', method='bfill').plot(ax=ax[1], style='-o')
ge_up_data.asfreq('D', method='ffill').plot(ax=ax[1], style='--o')
ax[1].legend(["back-fill", "forward-fill"]);
<Figure size 720x576 with 2 Axes>

The top plot shows upsampled data using a daily frequency with default settings where non-business days are NA values that do not appear on the plot. The bottom plot shows forward and backward fill strategies for filling the gaps.


A common use case of time series is shifting of data in time i.e. moving data backward and forward through time. Pandas includes shift() and tshift() methods for shifting data.

  • shift() - shifts the data
  • tshift() - shifts the index

In both cases, the shift is specified in multiples of the frequency. Let's look at some examples.

# Print Data
2010-01-04    14.855769
2010-01-05    14.932693
2010-01-06    14.855769
2010-01-07    15.625000
2010-01-08    15.961538
2010-01-11    16.115385
2010-01-12    16.125000
2010-01-13    16.182692
2010-01-14    16.057692
2010-01-15    15.807693
Name: Close, dtype: float64
# Shift Forward
2010-01-04          NaN
2010-01-05          NaN
2010-01-06    14.855769
2010-01-07    14.932693
2010-01-08    14.855769
2010-01-11    15.625000
2010-01-12    15.961538
2010-01-13    16.115385
2010-01-14    16.125000
2010-01-15    16.182692
Name: Close, dtype: float64
# Shift Backward
2010-01-04    14.855769
2010-01-05    15.625000
2010-01-06    15.961538
2010-01-07    16.115385
2010-01-08    16.125000
2010-01-11    16.182692
2010-01-12    16.057692
2010-01-13    15.807693
2010-01-14          NaN
2010-01-15          NaN
Name: Close, dtype: float64

Both forward and backward shift() opertions shift the data leaving the index unmodified. Let's look at how index is modified with tshift().

# Shift backward with Index
2009-12-31    14.855769
2010-01-01    14.932693
2010-01-04    14.855769
2010-01-05    15.625000
2010-01-06    15.961538
2010-01-07    16.115385
2010-01-08    16.125000
2010-01-11    16.182692
2010-01-12    16.057692
2010-01-13    15.807693
Freq: B, Name: Close, dtype: float64

The index for the original data ranges from 2008-01-02 - 2008-01-15. Using thsift() for shifting backward, we see that the index now ranges from 2007-12-31 - 2008-01-11. Shift takes the same frequency as the frequency of datetime.

Plot the Data

Let's look at another example of shifting data using shift() and tshift() to shift the ge data. We will plot the data to visualize the differences.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(15,8), sharey=True)

# apply a frequency to the data
ge = ge.asfreq('D', method='pad')

# shift the data

# legends and annotations
local_max = pd.to_datetime('2012-05-05')
offset = pd.Timedelta(900, 'D')

ax[0].legend(['input'], loc=2)
ax[0].get_xticklabels()[2].set(weight='heavy', color='red')
ax[0].axvline(local_max, alpha=0.3, color='red')

ax[1].legend(['shift(900)'], loc=2)
ax[1].get_xticklabels()[2].set(weight='heavy', color='red')
ax[1].axvline(local_max + offset, alpha=0.3, color='red')

ax[2].legend(['tshift(900)'], loc=2)
ax[2].get_xticklabels()[1].set(weight='heavy', color='red')
ax[2].axvline(local_max + offset, alpha=0.3, color='red');
<Figure size 1080x576 with 3 Axes>

The top panel in the plot shows ge data with a red line showing a local date. The middle panel shows the shift(900) operation which shifts the data by 900 days, leaving NA values at early indices. This is represented by the fact that there is no line on the plot for first 900 days. The bottom panel shows the tshift(900) operation, which shifts the index by 900 days, changing the start and end date ranges as shown.

Rolling Window

Rolling statistics are another time series specific operation where data is evaluated over a sliding window. Rolling operations are useful for smoothing noisy data. The rolling() operator behaves similarly to resample and groupby operations, but instead of grouping, it enables grouping over a sliding window.


# plot data

# plot 250 day rolling mean
<Figure size 1080x576 with 1 Axes>

The plot shows GE stock price data. The dashed line represents 250-day moving window average of the stock price.

Time Zones

We live in a global world where many companies operate in different time zones. This makes it crucial to carefully analyze the data based on the correct time zone. Many users work with time series in UTC (coordinated universal time) time which is the current international standard. Time zones are expressed as offsets from UTC; for example, California is seven hours behind UTC during daylight saving time (DST) and eight hours behind the rest of the year.

Localization and Conversion

Time series objects in Pandas do not have an assigned time zone by default. Let's consider the GE stock price ge data as an example.

# print data
2010-01-04    14.855769
2010-01-05    14.932693
2010-01-06    14.855769
2010-01-07    15.625000
2010-01-08    15.961538
Freq: D, Name: Close, dtype: float64
# check timezone

The index's tz field is None. We can assign a time zone using tz_localize method.

# localize timezone
ge_utc = ge.tz_localize('UTC')
DatetimeIndex(['2010-01-04 00:00:00+00:00', '2010-01-05 00:00:00+00:00',
               '2010-01-06 00:00:00+00:00', '2010-01-07 00:00:00+00:00',
               '2010-01-08 00:00:00+00:00', '2010-01-09 00:00:00+00:00',
               '2010-01-10 00:00:00+00:00', '2010-01-11 00:00:00+00:00',
               '2010-01-12 00:00:00+00:00', '2010-01-13 00:00:00+00:00',
               '2020-11-16 00:00:00+00:00', '2020-11-17 00:00:00+00:00',
               '2020-11-18 00:00:00+00:00', '2020-11-19 00:00:00+00:00',
               '2020-11-20 00:00:00+00:00', '2020-11-21 00:00:00+00:00',
               '2020-11-22 00:00:00+00:00', '2020-11-23 00:00:00+00:00',
               '2020-11-24 00:00:00+00:00', '2020-11-25 00:00:00+00:00'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns, UTC]', name='Date', length=3979, freq='D')

Once a time series has been localized to a particular time zone, it can be easily converted to another time zone with tz_convert.

ge_ny = ge_utc.tz_convert('America/New_York')
DatetimeIndex(['2010-01-03 19:00:00-05:00', '2010-01-04 19:00:00-05:00',
               '2010-01-05 19:00:00-05:00', '2010-01-06 19:00:00-05:00',
               '2010-01-07 19:00:00-05:00', '2010-01-08 19:00:00-05:00',
               '2010-01-09 19:00:00-05:00', '2010-01-10 19:00:00-05:00',
               '2010-01-11 19:00:00-05:00', '2010-01-12 19:00:00-05:00',
               '2020-11-15 19:00:00-05:00', '2020-11-16 19:00:00-05:00',
               '2020-11-17 19:00:00-05:00', '2020-11-18 19:00:00-05:00',
               '2020-11-19 19:00:00-05:00', '2020-11-20 19:00:00-05:00',
               '2020-11-21 19:00:00-05:00', '2020-11-22 19:00:00-05:00',
               '2020-11-23 19:00:00-05:00', '2020-11-24 19:00:00-05:00'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns, America/New_York]', name='Date', length=3979, freq='D')

Epoch time can be read as timezone-naive timestamps and then localized to the appropriate timezone using the tz_localize method.

# Localize epoch as a timestamp with US/Pacific timezone
Timestamp('2010-01-01 12:00:00-0800', tz='US/Pacific')
# Localize epoch as a DatetimeIndex with UTC timezone
DatetimeIndex(['2010-01-01 12:00:00+00:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns, UTC]', freq=None)

Operating between TIme Zones

If two time series with different time zones are combined, the result will be UTC.

# create two time series with different time zones
ge_la = ge_utc.tz_convert('America/Los_Angeles')

ts1 = ge_ny[:7]
print('Timezone of ts1: ',

ts2 = ge_la[:7]
print('Timezone of ts2: ',
2010-01-03 19:00:00-05:00    14.855769
2010-01-04 19:00:00-05:00    14.932693
2010-01-05 19:00:00-05:00    14.855769
2010-01-06 19:00:00-05:00    15.625000
2010-01-07 19:00:00-05:00    15.961538
2010-01-08 19:00:00-05:00    15.961538
2010-01-09 19:00:00-05:00    15.961538
Freq: D, Name: Close, dtype: float64
Timezone of ts1:  America/New_York

2010-01-03 16:00:00-08:00    14.855769
2010-01-04 16:00:00-08:00    14.932693
2010-01-05 16:00:00-08:00    14.855769
2010-01-06 16:00:00-08:00    15.625000
2010-01-07 16:00:00-08:00    15.961538
2010-01-08 16:00:00-08:00    15.961538
2010-01-09 16:00:00-08:00    15.961538
Freq: D, Name: Close, dtype: float64
Timezone of ts2:  America/Los_Angeles
# add two time series
ts3 = ts1 + ts2
print('Timezone of ts3: ',
2010-01-04 00:00:00+00:00    29.711538
2010-01-05 00:00:00+00:00    29.865385
2010-01-06 00:00:00+00:00    29.711538
2010-01-07 00:00:00+00:00    31.250000
2010-01-08 00:00:00+00:00    31.923077
2010-01-09 00:00:00+00:00    31.923077
2010-01-10 00:00:00+00:00    31.923077
Freq: D, Name: Close, dtype: float64
Timezone of ts3:  UTC

Common Time Zones

Time zone information in python comes from a third party library called pytz (installable using conda install pytz). Let's look at some examples.

# import library
import pytz
# common time zones

To get a time zone object, pytz.timezone can be used.

tz = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')
<DstTzInfo 'US/Pacific' LMT-1 day, 16:07:00 STD>

Common Use Cases

Importing data is the first step in any data science project. Often, you’ll work with data that contains date and time elements. In this section, we will see how to: 1. Read date columns from data. 2. Split a column with date and time into separate columns. 3. Combine different date and time columns to form a datetime column.

We will use sample earthquake data with date and time information to illustrate this example. The data is stored in '.csv' format as an item. We will download the '.csv' file in a folder, as shown below, and then import the data for analysis.

Note: the dataset used in this example has been curated for illustration purposes.

# Get item with data
import os
from arcgis import GIS

gis = GIS()
earthquake_item = gis.content.get('008fcafa23a24351b4f37f7c8a542cb1')
CSV by api_data_owner
Last Modified: November 19, 2020
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# Download data item

# Create folder for file download
data_folder = '../../samples_data'
if not os.path.exists(data_folder):
    print(f'Created data folder at: {data_folder}')
    print(f'Using existing data folder at: {data_folder}')
# Download file
filename = 'earthquakes_data.csv'
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_folder, filename)):, 'earthquakes_data.csv')
    print(f'{filename} downloaded')
    print(f'{filename} exists')
Created data folder at: ../../samples_data
earthquakes_data.csv downloaded

Import data with date/time

Data with dates can be easily imported as datetime by setting the parse_dates parameter. Let's import the data and check the data types.

# Read data
quake_data = pd.read_csv('./samples_data/earthquakes_data.csv', parse_dates=['datetime'])
01973-08-09 02:18:0040.260-124.2332.05.1
11976-11-27 02:49:0040.998-120.4475.05.0
21977-02-22 06:24:0038.478-119.2875.05.0
31978-09-04 21:54:0038.814-119.81114.05.2
41979-10-07 20:54:0038.224-119.34811.05.2
# Check Data Types
datetime     datetime64[ns]
latitude            float64
longitude           float64
depth               float64
magnitude           float64
dtype: object

The column with date and time information is imported as a datetime data type.

Split into multiple columns

To split a column with date and time information into separate columns, Series.dt can be used to access the values of the series such as year, month, day etc.

# Create new columns
quake_data['date'] = quake_data['datetime']
quake_data['time'] = quake_data['datetime'].dt.time
quake_data['year'] = quake_data['datetime'].dt.year
quake_data['month'] = quake_data['datetime'].dt.month
quake_data['day'] = quake_data['datetime']
quake_data['hour'] = quake_data['datetime'].dt.hour
quake_data['minute'] = quake_data['datetime'].dt.minute
quake_data['second'] = quake_data['datetime'].dt.second
# Check dataset
01973-08-09 02:18:0040.260-124.2332.05.11973-08-0902:18:001973892180
11976-11-27 02:49:0040.998-120.4475.05.01976-11-2702:49:00197611272490
21977-02-22 06:24:0038.478-119.2875.05.01977-02-2206:24:0019772226240
31978-09-04 21:54:0038.814-119.81114.05.21978-09-0421:54:0019789421540
41979-10-07 20:54:0038.224-119.34811.05.21979-10-0720:54:00197910720540

New columns have been created for various date and time information.

# Check data types
datetime     datetime64[ns]
latitude            float64
longitude           float64
depth               float64
magnitude           float64
date                 object
time                 object
year                  int64
month                 int64
day                   int64
hour                  int64
minute                int64
second                int64
dtype: object

Notice that date column is of object data type. It can be easily converted to a datetime object using pd.to_datetime.

quake_data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(quake_data['date'])
datetime     datetime64[ns]
latitude            float64
longitude           float64
depth               float64
magnitude           float64
date         datetime64[ns]
time                 object
year                  int64
month                 int64
day                   int64
hour                  int64
minute                int64
second                int64
dtype: object

Combine columns with Date/Time information

Consider a scenario where the data did not have a datetime column but the year, month, day, hour, minute, second date and time elements were stored as individual columns as shown below.

# Create data
quake_data.drop(columns=['datetime'], inplace=True)

In such a scenario, a datetime object can be easily created by using the pd.to_to_datetime method. The method combines date and time information in various columns and returns a datetime64 object.

# Create new datetime column
quake_data['new_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(quake_data[["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"]])
040.260-124.2332.05.11973-08-0902:18:0019738921801973-08-09 02:18:00
140.998-120.4475.05.01976-11-2702:49:001976112724901976-11-27 02:49:00
238.478-119.2875.05.01977-02-2206:24:00197722262401977-02-22 06:24:00
338.814-119.81114.05.21978-09-0421:54:00197894215401978-09-04 21:54:00
438.224-119.34811.05.21979-10-0720:54:001979107205401979-10-07 20:54:00
# Check data types
latitude               float64
longitude              float64
depth                  float64
magnitude              float64
date            datetime64[ns]
time                    object
year                     int64
month                    int64
day                      int64
hour                     int64
minute                   int64
second                   int64
new_datetime    datetime64[ns]
dtype: object


In this part of the guide series, you have seen in detail how to work with Time Series data. Here, we briefly introduced date and time data types in native python and then focused on date/time data in Pandas. You have seen how date_range can be created with frequencies. We discussed various indexing and selection operations on time series data. Next, we introduced time series specific operations, such as resmaple(), shift(), tshift() and rolling(). We also briefly discussed time zones and operating on data with different time zones.


[1] Wes McKinney. 2017. Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython (2nd. ed.). O'Reilly Media, Inc.

[2] Jake VanderPlas. 2016. Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data (1st. ed.). O'Reilly Media, Inc.

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