What's new in version 2.4.0


Reorganized modules and refactored functionality into new classes to incorporate the new Jupyter Lab and Notebook 7 architectures.



Module Changes


  • GIS
    • Adds documentation:
      • to class description for retrieving a token
      • to token keyword for retrieving a token
  • Item
  • ContentManager
    • clone_items()
      • Enhances processing to export items in cases where it applies to prevent excess server processing and 504 errors
  • Folder
    • add()
      • Adds deprecation notice when using the overwrite parameter as it has been deprecated in the REST API
  • UserManager
    • create()
      • BUG-000168602 - Adds documentation note for using the org_admin value to assign built-in Administrator role to a user
  • GroupMigrationManager
    • load()
      • New parameter:
        • keep_epk_item

arcgis.gis Dataclasses









  • speckle()
    • Adds support for RefinedLee and GammaMap as filter_type arguments





  • Removed from the 2.4.0 code base. Supported only in 2.3.x releases.


  • suggest()
    • Deprecates parameters:
      • distance - use search_extent
    • Adds parameters:
      • preferred_label_values
      • return_collections


  • Enhances error messaging when attempted in environments without ArcPy or Shapely










  • Fixes display issue in documentation where Item Type icon appeared incorrectly when displaying Item cards
  • Fixes display of internal information on User cards
  • Fixes display issue with Group card in notebooks

Module Changes


  • GIS
    • Fixes issue where session not created if certificate Common Name does not match Server Name
  • Item
    • Fixes inconsistency with return values for layers and tables property for Map Service items
    • Fixes issue with improperly item objects from CodeType items based on Python version
  • SharingGroupManager
    • add()
      • Fixes BUG-000168928 where method retuns True only for first Group added in a sequence of calls
  • ContentManager
    • clone_items()
      • Fixes issue when cloning StoryMap items containing web maps on Windows not properly cloning all resoures
      • Fixes BUG-000168118 where cloning Web Experiences created through the Create Web App button on Web Map item details page
      • Fixes Public Repo Issue #1761 where survey content was causing failures because of character encoding
      • Fixes BUG-000167100 where a TypeError raised when cloning Dashboard items of latest version
      • Fixes BUG-000166690 where read-only fields are not properly populated
      • Fixes issue where editor tracking information was not cloned in feature services
    • import_data()
      • Fixes optimization issues when using overwrite
      • Fixes Analyze Service Error in environments where ArcPy is present and service source name generated from file is not unique
  • Folders
    • list()
      • Fixes performance issue by reducing number of calls to endpoints
  • Folder
    • add()
      • Fixes TypeError when file input is a io.StringIO or io.BytesIO object
      • Fixes ValueError if file, text, url, or data_url argument not provided
  • UserManager
    • create()
      • Fixes BUG-000168590 where user_type value from New Member Defaults settings not honored when user_type not provided


  • Runtime
    • update()
      • Fixes FileNotFoundError because of incorrectly formatted post request


  • FeatureLayer
    • edit_features()
      • Fixes issue where no response returned when run asynchronously using the deletes argument
  • Spatially Enabled DataFrame - GeoAccessor
    • centroid
      • Fixes BUG-000164784 where ValueError returned in an ArcPy environment on dataframe containing geometries with z values
    • from_featureclass()
      • Fixes AttributeError when accessing wkid property on geometries
    • to_featureclass()
      • Fixes BUG-000162383 where Utility Network layers failed to export because numeric column values of 0 were getting set to Null
    • to_featurelayer()
      • Fixes optimization issues when overwrite=True
      • Fixes BUG-000169830 where m-values are not retained
    • from_layer()
      • Fixes issue where date values were read incorrectly and returning all values at beginning of Unix Epoch



  • ImageLayer
    • save()
      • Fixes BUG-000167021 where misleading error message returned in service property of allow copy is set to False
  • Raster



  • get_tool_info()
    • Fixes TypeError because of passing an additional parameter



  • Removed from the 2.4.0 code base. Supported only in 2.3.x releases.



  • Updates how GeometryService is accessed within the API for increased flexibility in different deployments
  • Geometry
    • has_z
      • Fixes BUG-000169189 where property returns incorrect results in environment with Shapely only
      • Fixes issue where Polygon objects were missing property if initialized from a feature class


  • Fixes issues multipart polygon processing by spatial operations performed inconsistently between environments with Shapely and ArcPy




  • Fixes out of memory issues by providing backbone support during model initialization when batch size is being estimated
  • Fixes error in format of default value for TTA scales used in inferencing
  • Fixes error with show_batch() when training data had fewer elements than the batch_size argument
  • Fixes ValueError failures on most models with predict_video()
  • Data Preparation Methods
    • prepare_data()
      • Fixes error initializing PSETAE model from output when class doesn't contain any files
      • Fixes incorrect recursion error raised if working_dir argument does not exist
    • prepare_textdata()
      • Fixes issue where similar entities are extracted multiple times using Mistral
  • Automated Machine Learning
    • Fixes issue where early stopping was triggered before adequate processing time elapsed on time calculations
    • AutoML
      • Fixes crash when training using prepare_tabulardata object created using explanatory or predict variables
      • fit()
        • Fixes KeyError: 0 error
      • report()
        • Fixes FileNotFound error when run after a call to save in Jupyter notebook
  • Object Classification Models
    • FeatureClassifier
      • from_model()
        • Fixes failure to load model because of incompatibility between supported backbone and saved backbone names using torchgeo
      • save()
        • Fixes NotADirectoryError using torchgeo
  • Object Detection Models
    • Fixes warning messages received during initialization
    • SingleShotDetector
      • Fixes issue when initializing model from data bunch without specifying backbone
      • from_model()
        • Fixes compatible backbone exception using torchgeo
      • Fixes performance issue for objects of varying sizes related to ordering of grids
    • MMDetection
      • fit()
        • Fixes info messages printing during training of vfnet models
        • Fixes issue resulting from incorrect available_metrics for dino detr models
  • Pixel Classification Models
  • Image Translation Models
    • Pix2Pix
    • Fixes backbone names for backbone parameter description
  • 3d Models
    • Fixes RuntimeError and memory leak when using compute_precision_recall() on large datasets:
  • Scanned Maps
  • Unstructured Text Models
    • arcgis.learn.text module
      • Fixes issue with path of the emd file not properly transferred to the extension file
      • Fixes performance issues for models using the Mistral backbone
      • EntityRecognizer
        • extract_entities()
          • Fixes issue where fails to pull out information from text while inferencing using Mistral
        • from_model()
          • Fixes EntityRecognizer not present issue on model created from ner_json dataset type
      • TextClassifier
        • from_model()
          • Fixes UnboundLocalError resulting from incorrect passing of parameters to extension model

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