ArcGIS Runtime Qt SDK C++ API Reference

Reference nameDescriptionUse this when you are looking for
C++ Class ListAll C++ classes with brief descriptions.A class based on its name or purpose.
C++ Enumeration ListAll C++ enumeration classes with brief descriptions.An enumeration based on its name or purpose.

The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt C++ API Reference describes the details of all public classes and members used to create custom apps for Linux, iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS.

The ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt provides this API for developers that allows you to add mapping capability to your apps. The API works with the Qt Framework to allow you to write apps with one codebase that can be compiled and deployed to multiple types of desktop and mobile devices.

This API leverages functionality provided by ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise through REST web services. The API allows you to work with local geographic data, too.

The use of some members requires a license. Please refer to Licensing details by class.

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