The ArcGIS Elevation service is a location service that returns TopoBathy elevation values for a single location or multiple locations. It provides seamless coverage for both topography (land elevation) and bathymetry (water depths). The service supports location inputs as longitude and latitude coordinates. All elevation values are returned in meters at the best resolution available. Elevation values can be returned as measures of ellipsoidal (geodetic) height above ground level or orthometric (geoid) height above mean sea level.
Service URL
Name | Description | Price category |
/elevation/at-point | Single elevation: Returns the elevation value for a given input coordinate. | |
/elevation/at-many-points | Multiple elevations: Returns the elevation values for up to 100 input coordinates. |
Price category | ArcGIS Location Platform | ArcGIS Online |
50K free then $1 per 1,000 points | Not supported |
Billing occurs when elevation values are returned from a request.
Terms of use
To review the attribution requirements for using ArcGIS services, go to Esri and data attribution.
To review the terms of use that apply to using ArcGIS products, services, and data, go to > Esri Legal.