1. Sign up for an account
2. Get an access token
Get an access token by implementing a type of authentication.
Need help choosing a type of authentication?
API key authentication
- Build public applications that don't require users to sign in with an ArcGIS account.
- Use a long-lived API key access token to authenticate service requests.
- Applications can access location services, spatial analysis services, the portal service, and secure data services in a portal.
- Privileges and portal item access are defined by the developer.
- Service usage and data storage is billed to the developer.
Learn more about API key authentication
OAuth 2.0 user authentication
- Build private applications for your organization that requires users to sign in with an ArcGIS account.
- Create OAuth 2.0 credentials and implement OAuth 2.0 flows to get an access token.
- Applications can access all resources available to the signed-in user, including location services, spatial analysis services, data services, secure items, and portal management operations.
- Privileges and portal item access are defined by the user's account.
- Service usage and data storage is billed to the organization of the user signed into the application.
3. Make a request
Use your access token to make a request to the service.