Current release

Release Notes (1.3.0) : Released 20th February 2025

  • Updated the set of category IDs. Note that old categories from previous releases will be accepted until 22nd March. Starting on 22nd March, only new categories will be accepted.

Release Notes (1.2.0) : Released 6th March 2024

  • Added a new icon query parameter to all endpoints - see API reference. This provides developers with access to a high-quality set of icons in SVG, PNG, and CIMSymbol JSON formats. A recommended icon can be requested for individual places (e.g. to display as pins on a map or on a popup showing details of a place), or for place categories (for example for use in a legend). Developers will be able to leverage the work of Esri's graphic designers and engineers to save time and elevate their work.
  • Added a new language parameter to the categories endpoints - see API reference. This option allows developers to access localized category labels. The initial list of supported languages is English (en), French (fr), Japanese (ja), German (de), Spanish (es), and Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR).
  • Added a new specification/open-api-v3-0 endpoint. This provides access to the Open API Specification for the Places service. This documentation can be used with Swagger tools for interacting with the API, or for automation task such as testing and code generation.
  • Duplicate query parameters are now rejected to avoid ambiguity of requests.

Release Notes (1.1.0) : Released 1st November 2023

This is the first public release of the places service.

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