Maritime Chart Service

Required Capability:
Maritime Chart Service
Version Introduced:


The Maritime Chart Service resource represents an ArcGIS Maritime server object extension (SOE). This resource provides information about the Maritime Chart Service enabled on a map service.

The following operations are supported in the SOE:

  • find —Returns features based on their OBJNAM and NOBJNM attribute values and searches for datasets in a map service.
  • identifyDatasets —Returns all datasets that meet the request.
  • mcsServiceStatus —Reports if cataloging is completed and if the service is ready for use.
  • notes —Displays the file associated with the S-57 or S-63 attributes TXTDSC, NTXTDS, and PICREP.
  • queryDatasets —Returns any dataset that matches the request. The operation provides a way to generate comprehensive reports on the datasets loaded in the system.

Request parameters




Specifies the response format. The default response format is html .

Values: json | html

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