Ortho Mapping service operations

Version Introduced:


The Ortho Mapping service contains a number of operations that you can access and use in your applications to perform photogrammetric processing and generate ortho mapping products.

Ortho Mapping operations

The operations that allow you to perform ortho mapping workflows are listed in the following table:


Alter Processing States

The AlterProcessingStates operation is a service tool that sets the processing states of a mosaic dataset. The states are stored as the Ortho Mapping key property. The state's content is a JSON dictionary that includes several properties that can be set based on the processes run on the image collection.

Compute Color Correction

The ComputeColorCorrection operation is a service tool that computes color corrections for the mosaic dataset, usually after the mosaic has been block adjusted. Images that are used for generating orthoimage mosaics typically have color correction computed.

Compute Control Points

The ComputeControlPoints operation is a service tool that's used to compute matching control points between images in an image collection, and for matching control points between the image collection's images and the reference image.

Compute Seamlines

The ComputeSeamlines operation can be used to compute seamlines between overlapping images comprising an image collection, usually after the image collection is block adjusted. Seamlines—used to generate the seamless, mosaicked dispaly of overlapped images in a image collection—are only computed for candidates that will eventually be used for generating the resulting mosaicked orthoimage.

Compute Sensor Model

The ComputeSensorModel operation is a service that computes the bundle block adjustment for the image collection and applies the frame transformation to the images. It also generates the control point, solution, solution points, and flight path tables, though these tables are not published as portal items.

Edit Control Points

The EditControlPoints operation is a service tool that is used to append additional ground control points set to the image collection's control points. A complete ground control point (GCP) set should have one GCP and more than three tie points. EditControlPoints can also be used to edit tie point sets. The input control points' JSON will always replace the points in the tie points table if the point Id already exists.

Generate DEM

The GenerateDEM operation is a service tool that allows you to generate DEM products from a previously adjusted image collection. It creates point clouds using adjusted image collections and interpolates the point clouds to create DEM surface products using the designated method.

Generate Orthomosaic

The GenerateOrthomosaic operation is a service tool that's used to generate a single orthorectified, mosaicked image from an image collection after the block adjustment.

Generate Report

The GenerateReport operation is a service tool that generates an Ortho Mapping report with an image collection that has been block adjusted. The report contains information about the quality of the adjusted images, the distribution of the control points, and more. The output of this service tool is a downloadable HTML page.

Get Processing States

The GetProcessingStates operation is a service tool that obtains the processing states of the image collection (mosaic dataset) in JSON.

Match Control Points

The MatchControlPoints operation is a service tool that computes matching tie points using a collection of ground control points having at least one tie point. The input collection of ground control points must be in JSON.

Query Camera Info

The QueryCameraInfo operation is a service tool that's used to query specific records or the entire digital camera database in JSON format. The digital camera database contains the specifications of digital camera sensors that are used to capture drone images.

Query Control Points

The QueryControlPoints operation is a service tool that allows users to use a SQL query to query certain control points from the image collection's control point table.

Query Exif Info

The QueryExifInfo operation is a service tool that reads the Exif header metadata from single or multiple images in shared data store. The Exif metadata is usually stored in drone image files. Some common Exif metadata information are GPS locations, camera model, focal length, and more.

Reset Image Collection

The ResetImageCollection operation is a service tool that resets the image collection to its original state. Resetting the image collection includes removing the block adjustment that's computed for the images, rebuilding the footprints, and removing seamlines and mosaic candidates. The image collection can be adjusted during the Ortho Mapping workflow. If you're not satisfied with the result, you can clear any existing adjustment settings and return the images to an unadjusted state.

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