StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS Runtime provides enriched street data, which powers a high-quality cartographic maps and high-quality search, geocoding, and route analysis. StreetMap Premium maps are consistent across all regions of the world and can be taken offline for disconnected use; they can simultaneously fulfill the need for an address locator, street network dataset, and basemap in your app.
StreetMap Premium delivers data as a mobile map package (an .mmpk
file) for your app to access locally. This format allows the data to be accessed offline (without a network connection, in other words) and therefore doesn't consume data from your user's data plan. This is the same high-quality data used by ArcGIS Online services, including the Geocoding service, Routing service, and Basemap styles service. Instead of spending your time putting together such datasets yourself, you can focus on developing apps that provide advanced searching, geocoding, and routing analysis offline.
StreetMap Premium data is organized into regions that are licensed as extensions and are downloaded individually (North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific), allowing your apps to provide a consistent user experience across the globe. Within these regions, maps are available at the sub-region, country, or state/province level. You can even use ArcGIS Pro to clip the data to a custom area of interest.
How to add StreetMap Premium data
Follow these general steps to use StreetMap Premium in your app.
Download the StreetMap Premium Greater Los Angeles mobile map package that is provided for development and testing. When you're ready to deploy your app, you'll need to download the required StreetMap Premium packages from My Esri and license StreetMap Premium for each extension (region) your app uses.
Provide the data (mobile map package) for your app. You can provide package(s) with your app or allow the user to download them as needed. Once the package (
) is available on the client, you can open it to retrieve data, maps, and locators. Using the contents of the package, you can:- Display StreetMap Premium data in your app.
- Locate addresses and places using a StreetMap Premium locator task.
- Solve routes using the transportation network dataset provided in the StreetMap Premium map package.
License StreetMap Premium
Each StreetMap Premium region is licensed as an extension. A StreetMap Premium extension license works with all license levels: Lite, Basic, Standard, and Advanced. Unlike other extension licenses, this license does not unlock API capabilities, but rather licenses the use of StreetMap Premium data within one of the available regions. For each region you license, you receive a license string to use in your app. These licenses are good for one year, so you must provide a mechanism to notify your users and update the license string for your app when (or before) the license expires.
You can license ArcGIS Runtime and several StreetMap Premium extensions when your app initializes. To update these license strings when they expire, you will need to update and recompile the app code.
// ArcGIS Runtime license string.
let myRuntimeLicenseKey = LicenseKey("runtimelite,1000,rudxxxxxxxxx,28-feb-2019,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")!
// Extension license strings for various StreetMap Premium areas.
let smpNorthAmerica = LicenseKey("runtimesmpna,1000,rudxxxxxxxxx,13-mar-2023,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")!
let smpLatinAmerica = LicenseKey("runtimesmpla,1000,rudxxxxxxxxx,13-mar-2023,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")!
let smpEurope = LicenseKey("runtimesmpe,1000,rudxxxxxxxxx,16-dec-2023,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")!
// Sets the ArcGIS Runtime license string and the three StreetMap Premium area license strings.
do {
result = try ArcGISEnvironment.setLicense(
with: myRuntimeLicenseKey,
extensions: [smpEurope, smpLatinAmerica, smpNorthAmerica]
print("Licensed SMP extensions")
} catch {
You could also read license strings on startup from a text file included with the app and set the licenses. This would allow the user to update license strings in a separate file and would eliminate the need for you to update and recompile the app code.
// ... code here to read license strings from a text file into an array of strings ...
// The variable to store the (one) ArcGIS Runtime license string.
var runtimeLicense = ""
// The variable to store the extension license string (all others in the file).
var extensionLicenses = [""]
// Loops through all license strings from the file.
for licenseString in licenseStrings {
if licenseString.starts(with: "runtimelite") ||
licenseString.starts(with: "runtimebasic") ||
licenseString.starts(with: "runtimestandard") ||
licenseString.starts(with: "runtimeadvanced") {
runtimeLicense = licenseString
} else {
guard let extensions = extensionLicenses as? [LicenseKey] else { return }
// Sets the licenses before using any ArcGIS API objects.
do {
result = try ArcGISEnvironment.setLicense(
with: LicenseKey(runtimeLicense)!,
extensions: extensions
print("Licensed SMP extensions")
} catch {
As the licenses in your app near expiration, you might want to notify the user that new licensing information will be required soon.
You can loop through all extension licenses for your app and notify the user if a license is within 10 days of expiring.
// Gets the licensing info for the current app.
let licenseInfo = ArcGISEnvironment.license
// Gets all extension licenses.
let extensionLicenses = licenseInfo.extensions
// Loops through extension licenses and see when each expires.
for extensionLicense in extensionLicenses {
extensionName =
// Gets the expiry date.
let expiryDate = extensionLicense.expirationDate
// Gets the number of days until the license expires.
if let days = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day], from: expiryDate, to: .now).day {
// If within 10 days of expiration, notify the user.
if days <= 10 {
print("Warning: License will expire in \(days) days")
Display StreetMap Premium data
Inside each StreetMap Premium mobile map package, you'll find two maps: Navigation Day and StreetMap Day. Each of these maps display the same data and use similar symbology for the layers. They also use scale dependent rendering to improve display performance and readability. The Navigation Day map, however, displays streets with a wider symbol and with more and larger labels, as illustrated in the following image. You can choose the map that best suits the use case, device, screen size, and so on for your app.

You can open a StreetMap Premium mobile map package file and display the Navigation Day map in the app's map view.
let fileURL = URL(string: "IndianaMobileMapPackageURL")!
// Opens a StreetMap Premium mobile map package.
let indianaPackage = MobileMapPackage(fileURL: fileURL)
// Gets the first map.
let map = indianaPackage.maps.first
// Adds the map to the map view.
// ...
Locate addresses and places
In addition to street data and maps, each StreetMap Premium mobile map package contains a locator task. Use the locator task to geocode addresses, intersections, or places of interest within the area covered by the package.
You can open a StreetMap Premium mobile map package file, gets the associated LocatorTask
, and use it to find a location.
// Gets the locator task for this area.
let locatorTask = indianaPackage.locatorTask
// Gets geocode candidates.
do {
geocodeResults = try await locatorTask?.geocode(forSearchText: "Indianapolis Motor Speedway")
// Process the results.
} catch {
Solve routes
Maps in a StreetMap Premium package have an associated transportation network dataset. You can use this dataset to solve routes between two or more locations in the street network. The maps must be loaded before you can access the transportation dataset it contains.
You can get a TransportationNetworkDataset
from a map in the StreetMap Premium package, then uses it to create a new RouteTask
// Gets the (first and only) street network dataset from one of the maps in the package.
guard let streetNetwork = map.transportationNetworks.first else { return }
// Creates a new route task that uses the street network.
let routeTask = RouteTask(dataset: streetNetwork)
// Gets the default route parameters from the task and solve the route.
// ...