
A layer can access data from a data source. You can use an ArcGIS Map as a container for layers to display geographic data in a Unity scene.

There are two groups of layers that an ArcGIS Map contains:

  • Basemap layers, used for geographic context.
  • Data layers, used to display geographic data within the context of the basemap.

A layer's data source can either be a data service or a data file stored locally.

Key concepts

Basemap Layers

You can use one or more basemap layers to provide a background of geographical context for the data layers displayed in your Unity scene.

The basemap layer service provides several vector tile and image tile basemap layers that you can use for your applications. Basemap layers are collected together in a basemap and you use the Basemap property of the ArcGIS Map.

Learn more about basemap layers

Data layers

Data layers bring additional geographic data into your Unity scene to be displayed in the context of the basemap. You use the Layers property of the ArcGIS Map to control the data layers in your scene. The following types of layers are supported:

Global scenes support data in any geographic coordinate system. For projected coordinate systems, Web Mercator is supported when the spatial reference is set to WGS84.

Local scenes support any projected coordinate systems. For geographic coordinate systems, WGS84 is supported when the spatial reference is set to CGCS 2000.

Refer to Spatial references for more information.

Image tile layers

An image tile layer is a data layer that can access and display image tile data provided by an map tile service or an map tile package.

The tile layer format is fast to transmit over the Internet. Raster tiles are cached at various scales instead of dynamically generating map images at the request of the client application.

Learn more about image tile layers

Vector tile layers

A vector tile layer contains vector representations of data across a range of scales that is provided by a vector tile service or vector tile package.

Vector tile layers are similar to image tile layers except they store a vector representation of the data. In other words, this format represents geographic features as points, lines, and polygons.

Learn more about vector tile layers

Scene layers

A scene layer is a type of data layer that is optimized for displaying large amounts of 3D data from a scene service or a local scene layer package, as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium's Indexed 3D Scene Layer (I3S) specification.

Visualizing your information in 3D makes it easier to intuitively understand and experience geographic information. ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity currently supports 3D object scene layers, integrated mesh scene layers, and building scene layers.

Learn more about scene layers

Group layers

A Group layer is a collection of layers organized as a group in the map. Layers within a group layer are called sublayers and can be of the same type or different types. For example, an integrated mesh scene layer and a 3D object scene layer can be organized together in a group layer.

Set data layers

  1. Click the Layers tab.
  2. Click the + Add New button located on the lower right to open an Add New Layer pop-up window.
  3. Select a layer type from the Type drop-down list.
  4. In the Source field, enter an online service URL. To use a local file package, click ··· and select the file.
  5. Enter a name in the Name field.
  6. Click Add.

When you click Add, the layer is added to the Layers list.

To use private content, select the matching configuration from the Authentication drop-down list in the Layers section. For more information about using private content, see user authentication.

Refer to the FAQ to troubleshoot data loading issues.

Layer management

You can toggle layer visibility on and off, change layer opacity, remove, and reorder layers. When you have multiple layer sources, the last item added to the collection takes precedence and is displayed topmost in the Map Creator UI.

You can perform the following layer management operations from the Layers tab:

  • To change the layer order, click and select Move Up or Move Down. The layer at the top of the layer list has the highest priority.
  • To change a layer name, click the layer name or click and select Rename.
  • To delete a layer, click and select Remove.
  • To copy a layer URL, click and select Copy URL.
  • To change layer visibility, check or uncheck the check box.
  • To see a layer's properties, expand the layer registry (triangle icon at the left).
  • To set layer opacity, enter a value between 0.0 and 1.0 or use the slider.
  • Click the Type drop-down list to change the layer type.
  • Click the gear icon in scene layers properties to configure additional filters or modifications for the layer.
  • To zoom the Scene view camera to the extent of the layer, click and select Zoom To.

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