Apply shaders to 3DObject Scene layer based on different attributes.
How to use the sample (SampleViewer)
- The SampleViewer Scene should open by default, if it is not open, click the SampleViewer scene to open it.
- Click play.
- Using the UI, enter an APIKey in the input field to the top left.
- Open the Samples drop down, and click 3DAttributes to open the level.
- Using the UI, select a filter type.
How to use the sample (3DAttributes Scene)
- Open the MaterialByAttribute scene.
- Click on the Sample3DAttributesMapCreator GameObject and set your API key in the Inspector window.
- Click play.
- Using the UI, select a filter type.
How it works
- Create an ArcGIS Map.
- Attach an ArcGIS Camera component to the active camera.
- Create a new GameObject and call it APIMapCreator.
- Attach the APIMapCreator script and the AttributesComponent script to the APIMapCreator Gameobject.
- Enter your APIKey in the APIMapCreator.
- Select your filter type in the AttributesComponent and watch the materials applied to the buildings change.
About the data
Building models for New York are loaded from a 3D object scene layer hosted by Esri.
Elevation data is loaded from the Terrain 3D elevation layer hosted by Esri.
attributes, visibility, visibility analysis