View state

You can subscribe to events occurring during runtime by the plugin to be notified of changes in status of the layers, elevation sources, the layer view, and the renderer view. These events can help you determine when there is a problem with your GIS level.

To subscribe to the event and print layer view status messages to the Output Log, you can attach the ArcGIS View State Logging Component that uses a sample script to ArcGIS Map by taking the following steps.

  1. Click on the ArcGIS Map Actor in the Outliner.
  2. In the Details panel, click on the + Add button.
  3. Search for the ArcGIS View State Logging and select it to attach the Component.

After attaching the ArcGIS View State Logging Component to the ArcGIS Map Actor, you can disable the logging or hide warnings from the Details panel.

For information about where to find the Output Log in Unreal Editor, refer to Unreal Editor Interface documentation.

To write your own script with the C++ API, use the ArcGISElevationSourceViewStateChangedEvent, ArcGISLayerViewStateChangedEvent, and ArcGISViewStateChangedEvent to subscribe to changes in the state of elevation sources, layers, and the view. The view state events will return the current state of the content in the view through ArcGISElevationSourceViewState, ArcGISLayerViewState, and ArcGISViewState objects. The view state objects contain combined status with a bitwise mask to indicate, for example, that a specific layer may be visible and have a warning. Calling GetMessage() will provide more information when the status is an error or a warning.

You can find the sample code to subscribe to the event and log the state to the Output Log in the ArcGISViewStateLoggingComponent.cpp file. The sample script file is in:


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