Display Filter

Display filters information.

Referenced by: Display Filter Info


Property Details
id Display filter identifier.
maxScale Maximum scale up to which this display filter should be active and honored in the display. A value of 0 implies no maximum scale is specified.
minScale Minimal scale up to which the display filter should be active and honored in the display. A value of 0 implies no minimum scale is specified.
title Human-readable title for the display filter.
where SQL-based where clause that narrows the data to be rendered for display purposes. When this element is empty or missing all features will be rendered for this display filter.

Display Filter Example

  "id": "displayfilter1",
  "title": "Hide contained features",
  "where": "ASSOCIATIONSTATUS NOT IN (36, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 44)",
  "minScale": 0,
  "maxScale": 18055.954822

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