
Defines the desired user interface is a calendar date and time picker with a time offset.

Referenced by: formFieldElement


Property Details
includeTimeOffset Indicates if the timestampoffset picker should provide an option to select the timeoffset. If not provided, the default value is true.
max The maximum timestampoffset to allow. The number represents an ISO-8601 date with a time offset.
min The minimum timestampoffset to allow. The number represents an ISO-8601 date with a time offset.
timeResolution The resolution identifier. If not specified default is 'minutes'.
Valid values:
  • milliseconds
  • minutes
  • seconds
type The input type identifier.
Valid value of this property timestampoffset-picker


  "type": "timestampoffset-picker",
  "min": "2020-03-15T14:30-08:00",
  "max": "2020-04-15T24:00-08:00",
  "timeResolution": "minutes",
  "includeTimeOffset": true

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