Link chart organic layout settings

Settings for organic layout calculations.

Referenced by: Link chart layout settings


Property Details
absoluteIdealEdgeLength The value, in degrees, to use for the ideal edge length during layout calculations when the idealEdgeLengthType is 'absoluteValue'. Only used for geographic layouts. Default value is 1.
autoRepulsionRadius Determines whether the repulsion radius should be calculated automatically (true), or computed according to 'repulsionRadiusMultiplier' (false). Default value is true.
idealEdgeLengthType Determines which property to use to compute the ideal edge length. Only used for geographic layouts. When the value is 'absoluteValue', the 'absoluteIdealEdgeLength' property is used. When the value is 'multiplier', the 'multiplicativeIdealEdgeLength' property is used. Default value is 'multiplier'.
Valid values:
  • absoluteValue
  • multiplier
multiplicativeIdealEdgeLength Value used to multiply the default edge length to determine the ideal edge length during layout calculations, when the idealEdgeLengthType is 'multiplier'. Only used for geographic layouts. Default value is 1.
repulsionRadiusMultiplier Value to be used for the repulsion radius multiplier in organic layout calculations. The repulsion radius is calculated by multiplying the repulsionRadiusMultiplier by the actual ideal edge length. Default value is 1.

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