
Contains floor-awareness information for the map. Defines the layers and required fields for each layer that are used for floor filtering.

Referenced by: Web Link Chart, Webmap


Property Details
facilityLayer Defines the layer and field properties for the Facility layer used for floor filtering.
levelLayer Defines the layer and field properties for the Level layer used for floor filtering.
siteLayer Defines the layer and field properties for the Site layer used for floor filtering. This property is optional.

mapFloorInfo Example

  "facilityLayer": {
    "facilityIdField": "FACILITY_ID",
    "layerId": "Facility_2419",
    "nameField": "NAME",
    "siteIdField": "SITE_ID"
  "levelLayer": {
    "facilityIdField": "FACILITY_ID",
    "layerId": "Levels_3860",
    "levelIdField": "LEVEL_ID",
    "levelNumberField": "LEVEL_NUMBER",
    "longNameField": "NAME",
    "shortNameField": "NAME_SHORT",
    "verticalOrderField": "VERTICAL_ORDER"

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