popupElement utilityNetworkAssociations

Provides the ability to navigate and view associated objects from a layer or table associated within the pop-up.

Referenced by: popupElement


Property Details
associatedAssetGroup The id of the asset group to filter utility network assocations
associatedAssetType The id of the asset type to filter utility network assocations
associatedNetworkSourceId The id of the source to filter utility network assocations
associationsType String value indicating which type of utility network associations to use.
Valid values:
  • connectivity
  • containment
  • structural
description A string that describes the element in detail.
displayCount An integer that indicates the maximum number of records to display.
orderByFields[] Array of orderByField objects indicating the display order for the utility network associations, and whether they should be sorted in ascending 'asc' or descending 'desc' order.
title A string value indicating what the element represents.
type String value indicating which type of element to use.
Valid value of this property utilityNetworkAssociations


  "description": "Fuses in the Box",
  "displayCount": 3,
  "title": "Fuses",
  "associationsType": "containment",
  "type": "utilityNetworkAssociations"

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