Subtype Table (SubtypeTable)

A subtype table represents a subtype defined in a feature service table. It has its own display and editing properties, and can exist only as a child of a subtype group table.

Referenced by: Subtype Group Table (SubtypeGroupTable)


Property Details
charts[] An array of chart items of type WebChart available on the subtype table.
disablePopup Indicates whether a client should ignore popups defined in this table
enableEditing Indicates whether a client should allow feature editing for this table. Applicable only if the table has editing capability.
formInfo A formInfo object defining the content of the form when you are editing a feature.
id A unique identifying string for the table.
layerDefinition A layerDefinition object defining the attribute schema and other related information specific to the table.
See layerDefinition properties table.
popupInfo A popupInfo object defining the content of popup window when you click a feature on the map.
subtypeCode The feature subtype code identifying the table. Used with Subtype Group Tables.
title A user-friendly string title for the table that can be used in a table of contents.

layerDefinition properties

Property Details
fieldOverrides[] The layer-specific overrides of field properties. Used by SubtypeGroupLayer to modify field information for each subtype. Any field missing from this array should be hidden.
templates[] A property of the layer definition when there are no types defined; otherwise, templates are defined as properties of the types.


  "id": "02c7fe67e3c8422189eb497ae45e13dd",
  "title": "Insectivora",
  "layerDefinition": {
    "templates": [
        "name": "Muridae",
        "prototype": {
          "attributes": {
            "FAMILY": 11,
            "ORDER": 6
        "name": "Dasyproctidae",
        "prototype": {
          "attributes": {
            "FAMILY": 7,
            "ORDER": 6
        "name": "Dipodidae",
        "prototype": {
          "attributes": {
            "FAMILY": 8,
            "ORDER": 6
    "fieldOverrides": [
        "name": "OBJECTID",
        "alias": "OBJECTID",
        "editable": false
        "name": "ORDER",
        "alias": "ORDER",
        "editable": true
        "name": "FAMILY",
        "alias": "FAMILY",
        "editable": true
        "name": "GENUS",
        "alias": "GENUS",
        "editable": true
        "name": "GENUS_COMMON",
        "alias": "GENUS_COMMON",
        "editable": true
        "name": "RECORDED_DATE",
        "alias": "RECORDED_DATE",
        "editable": true
        "name": "COUNTRY",
        "alias": "COUNTRY",
        "editable": true
        "name": "SPECIES_NUM",
        "alias": "SPECIES_NUM",
        "editable": true
  "subtypeCode": 6,
  "popupInfo": {
    "title": "{ORDER}"

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