Catalog Dynamic Group Layer (CatalogDynamicGroupLayer)

The Catalog Dynamic Group Layer automatically changes to show catalog items that are currently visible in the view. Can exist only as a child of a catalog layer.

Referenced by: Catalog Layer (CatalogLayer)


Property Details
id A unique identifying string for the layer.
listMode To show or hide layers in the layer list
Valid values:
  • hide
  • hide-children
  • show
maximumVisibleSublayers Gets or sets upper bound for number of layers in view for the dynamic group layer.
maxScale A number representing the maximum scale at which the layer will be visible. The number is the scale's denominator.
minScale A number representing the minimum scale at which the layer will be visible. The number is the scale's denominator.
opacity The degree of transparency applied to the layer on the client side, where 0 is full transparency and 1 is no transparency.
title A user-friendly string title for the layer that can be used in a table of contents.
visibility Boolean property determining whether the layer is initially visible in the web scene

Catalog Dynamic Group Layer Example

  "id": "catalog_dynamic_group_layer",
  "visibility": true,
  "title": "Layers In View",
  "minScale": 0,
  "maxScale": 18055.954822,
  "maximumVisibleSublayers": 10

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