popupElement attachments

Configures attachments in popup elements.

Referenced by: popupElement


Property Details
description An optional string value describing the element in detail. This property does not apply when the type is text or expression.
displayType This property applies to elements of type attachments. A string value indicating how to display the attachment. If list is specified, attachments show as links. If preview is specified, attachments expand to the width of the pop-up. Setting the value to auto allows applications to choose the most suitable default experience for their application.
Valid values:
  • auto
  • list
  • preview
orderByFields[] Array of orderByField objects indicating the display order for attachments, and whether they should be sorted in ascending 'asc' or descending 'desc' order.
title An optional string value indicating what the element represents. This property does not apply when the type is text or expression.
Valid value of this property attachments

popupElement attachments Example

  "type": "attachments",
  "displayType": "list",
  "orderByFields": [
      "field": "id",
      "order": "desc"

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