
Defines the look and feel of popup windows when a user clicks or queries a feature.

Referenced by: Building Scene Sublayer, Catalog Footprint Layer (CatalogFootprintLayer), CSV Layer (CSV), Feature Layer (ArcGISFeatureLayer), GeoJSON Layer (GeoJSON), Image Service Layer (ArcGISImageServiceLayer), layer, OGC Feature Layer, Oriented Imagery Layer (OrientedImageryLayer), PointCloud Layer, Scene Layer (ArcGISSceneServiceLayer), table, Tiled Image Service Layer (ArcGISTiledImageServiceLayer), Voxel Layer, Web Coverage Service Layer (WCS), Web Feature Service Layer (WFS)


Property Details
description A string that appears in the body of the popup window as a description. A basic subset of HTML may also be used to enrich the text. The supported HTML for ArcGIS Online can be seen in the Supported HTML page.
expressionInfos[] List of Arcade expressions added to the pop-up.
fieldInfos[] Array of fieldInfo information properties. This information is provided by the service layer definition.
layerOptions Additional options that can be defined for the popup layer.
mediaInfos[] Array of various mediaInfo to display. Can be of type image, piechart, barchart, columnchart, or linechart. The order given is the order in which it displays.
popupElements[] An array of popupElement objects that represent an ordered list of popup elements.
relatedRecordsInfo Indicates whether to enable related records if they exist on a layer.
showAttachments Indicates whether attachments will be loaded for feature layers that have attachments.
showLastEditInfo Indicates whether popup will display information about when and who last edited the feature. Applicable only to layers that have been configured to keep track of such information.
title A string that appears at the top of the popup window as a title.

popupInfo Example

  "title": "Postcode status",
  "fieldInfos": [
      "fieldName": "expression/expr1",
      "visible": true,
      "format": {
        "digitSeparator": true,
        "places": 0
      "fieldName": "expression/expr2",
      "visible": true
      "fieldName": "ID",
      "label": "ID",
      "tooltip": "Identifier",
      "visible": true,
      "format": {
        "places": 0,
        "digitSeparator": true
      "stringFieldOption": "textbox"
      "fieldName": "relationships/0/Status",
      "label": "Status",
      "isEditable": false,
      "visible": true,
      "stringFieldOption": "textbox"
      "fieldName": "relationships/2/Postcode",
      "label": "Postcode",
      "isEditable": false,
      "visible": false,
      "stringFieldOption": "textbox"
  "showAttachments": true,
  "relatedRecordsInfo": {
    "showRelatedRecords": true,
    "orderByFields": [
        "field": "relationships/0/Identifier",
        "order": "asc"
        "field": "relationships/1/Status",
        "order": "desc"
  "mediaInfos": [
      "title": "Chart stats",
      "type": "barchart",
      "caption": "For a better idea...",
      "value": {
        "fields": [
        "tooltipField": "relationships/2/Official"
      "type": "barchart",
      "title": "{pop2000} / 2 = {expression/expr4}",
      "value": {
        "fields": [
  "popupElements": [
      "type": "text"
      "type": "fields"
      "type": "media"
      "type": "attachments"
      "type": "expression"
  "expressionInfos": [
      "name": "expr1",
      "title": "Population (Expr)",
      "expression": "$feature.pop2000",
      "returnType": "number"
      "name": "expr2",
      "title": "Name (Abbr) (Expr)",
      "expression": "$feature.state_name + ' (' + $feature.state_abbr + ')'",
      "returnType": "string"

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