
Time extent is a two element array that can represent time extent or time instant. The two elements represent values for start and end time. The number represents the number of milliseconds since epoch (January 1, 1970) in UTC. A null as start indicates all inclusive since the beginning of time and a null as end value indicates indefinite time with no end. Time instant can be represented by setting same value for both start and end.

Referenced by: Building Scene Layer (BuildingSceneLayer), Catalog Layer (CatalogLayer), CSV Layer (CSV), Dimension Layer, Feature Layer (ArcGISFeatureLayer), GeoJSON Layer (GeoJSON), Group Layer, Image Service Layer (ArcGISImageServiceLayer), initialState, Integrated Mesh 3D Tiles Layer, Integrated Mesh Layer (IntegratedMeshLayer), LineOfSight Layer, Map Service Layer (ArcGISMapServiceLayer), Media Layer (Media), Object 3D Tiles Layer, OGC Feature Layer, OpenStreetMap Layer (OpenStreetMap), PointCloud Layer, Scene Layer (ArcGISSceneServiceLayer), slide, Tiled Elevation Layer, Tiled Image Service Layer (ArcGISTiledImageServiceLayer), Tiled Map Service Layer (ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer), TimeSlider properties, Vector Tile Layer (VectorTileLayer), Viewshed Layer, Voxel Layer, Web Coverage Service Layer (WCS), Web Feature Service Layer (WFS), Web Tiled Layer (WebTiledLayer), WMS Layer (WMS)

Time instant with same values for both start and end. Example


Time extent with finite start and end. Example


Time extent with infinite time on both ends(no beginning and no end). Example


Time extent with infinite start(no beginning) but a finite end(has an end). Example


Time extent with finite start(has an end) but a infinite end(no beginning). Example


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