
Defines the shape of a viewshed that applies a visibility analysis.

Referenced by: Viewshed Layer


Property Details
farDistance The maximum distance from the observer in which to perform the viewshed analysis (in meters).
feature References a feature from which the observer is internally offset, provided that its sides are close enough to the observer. It is used to ensure that the analysis results remain independent of changes in the level of detail (LOD) of this feature's geometry.
heading The compass heading of the observer's view direction (in degrees). A heading of zero points the viewshed to north and it increases rotating in clock-wise order.
horizontalFieldOfView The horizontal field of view (FOV) angle defines the width of the scope being analyzed (in degrees). A value of 360 means the observer's horizontal FOV captures their entire surroundings. Values closer to 0 narrow the horizontal FOV in the direction of the heading.
observer The position the viewshed is computed from.
tilt The tilt of the observer's view direction (in degrees). A tilt of zero points the viewshed looking straight down and 90 degrees points it looking parallel to the surface.
verticalFieldOfView The vertical field of view (FOV) angle defines the height of the scope being analyzed (in degrees). This value can vary from 0 to 180. Values closer to 0 narrow the vertical FOV in the direction of the tilt.


  "observer": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,
    "z": 10,
    "spatialReference": {
      "wkid": 102100
  "farDistance": 100,
  "heading": 42,
  "tilt": 90,
  "horizontalFieldOfView": 120,
  "verticalFieldOfView": 90

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