Web Coverage Service Layer (WCS)

OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) is a dynamic image service that follows the specifications of OGC.

Referenced by: baseMapLayer, operationalLayers


Property Details
bandIds[] The band selection for a multispectral dataset
blendMode Blend modes are used to create various effects by blending colors of top and background layers. normal blend mode is the default.
Valid values: average, color, color-burn, color-dodge, darken, destination-atop, destination-in, destination-out, destination-over, difference, exclusion, hard-light, hue, invert, lighten, lighter, luminosity, minus, multiply, normal, overlay, plus, reflect, saturation, screen, soft-light, source-atop, source-in, source-out, vivid-light, xor
customParameters A sequence of custom parameters appended to the URL of all requests related to a layer.
disablePopup Indicates whether to allow a client to ignore popups defined by the service item.
id A unique identifying string for the layer.
interpolation String indicating the interpolation type.
Valid values:
  • RSP_BilinearInterpolation
  • RSP_CubicConvolution
  • RSP_Majority
  • RSP_NearestNeighbor
isReference Applicable if used as a baseMapLayer. A boolean value indicating whether or not the baseMapLayer draws on top (true) of other layers, including operationalLayers , or below (false).
itemId Unique string value indicating an item registered in ArcGIS Online or your organization's portal.
layerDefinition An object that defines the drawing information for image service based layers.
See layerDefinition properties table.
layerType String indicating the layer type.
Valid value of this property WCS
listMode To show or hide layers in the layer list
Valid values:
  • hide
  • show
maxScale A number representing the maximum scale at which the layer will be visible. The number is the scale's denominator. Smaller number
minScale A number representing the minimum scale at which the layer will be visible. The number is the scale's denominator. Bigger number
multidimensionalDefinition[] An array of objects representing a slice from multidimensional data. The dimensional definitions in this array are used to filter display data based on slices in one or more dimensions.
multidimensionalSubset An object representing a subset from multidimensional data. This includes subsets of both variables and dimensions.
opacity The degree of transparency applied to the layer on the client side, where 0 is full transparency and 1 is no transparency.
popupInfo A popupInfo object defining the content of popup windows when you click or query a pixel.
refreshInterval Refresh interval of the layer in minutes. Non-zero value indicates automatic layer refresh at the specified interval. Value of 0 indicates auto refresh is not enabled.
showLegend Boolean value indicating whether to display the layer in the legend. Default value is 'true'.
timeAnimation This property is applicable to layers that support time. If 'true', timeAnimation is enabled.
title A user-friendly string title for the layer that can be used in a table of contents.
url The URL to the WCS service.
visibility Boolean property determining whether the layer is initially visible in the web map.
visibilityTimeExtent Represents time extent that will control when a layer should be visible based on webmap's current time. Visibility time extent only affects the layer visibility and will not filter the data.
wcsInfo Object that defines and provides information about coverages in a WCS service.

layerDefinition properties

Property Details
drawingInfo Contains the drawing information.

Web Coverage Service Layer (WCS) Example

  "id": "wcs_201",
  "url": "https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/services/ScientificData/SeaTemperature/ImageServer/WCSServer",
  "visibility": true,
  "opacity": 1,
  "title": "Sea Surface Temperature",
  "itemId": "0217f8067457410a998fc9293563ba94",
  "customParameters": {
    "token": "1ADE-FR54T"
  "interpolation": "RSP_BilinearInterpolation",
  "layerDefinition": {
    "drawingInfo": {
      "renderer": {
        "colorRamp": {
          "type": "algorithmic",
          "algorithm": "esriHSVAlgorithm",
          "fromColor": [
          "toColor": [
        "computeGamma": false,
        "dra": false,
        "gamma": [
        "max": 255,
        "min": 0,
        "statistics": [
        "useGamma": false,
        "stretchType": "minMax",
        "type": "rasterStretch"
  "bandIds": [
  "multidimensionalDefinition": [
      "variableName": "water_temp",
      "dimensionName": "StdTime",
      "values": [
      "isSlice": true
      "variableName": "water_temp",
      "dimensionName": "StdZ",
      "values": [
      "isSlice": true
  "multidimensionalSubset": {
    "areaOfInterest": {
      "xmin": -171,
      "xmax": -126,
      "ymin": 17,
      "ymax": 56,
      "spatialReference": {
        "wkid": 4326
    "subsetDefinitions": [
        "variableName": "water_temp",
        "dimensionName": "StdTime",
        "values": [
        "isSlice": false
        "variableName": "water_temp",
        "dimensionName": "StdZ",
        "values": [
        "isSlice": false
  "minScale": 9232515.069289,
  "maxScale": 3301.682787,
  "showLegend": false,
  "layerType": "WCS",
  "wcsInfo": {
    "version": "2.0.1",
    "coverageId": "SeaTemperature"

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