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enum | AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategy {
AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyDynamic = 1
, AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyNone = 2
, AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyStatic = 3
AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyDynamicNeverRemove = 4
} |
enum | AGSLabelLineConnection { AGSLabelLineConnectionAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelLineConnectionMinimizeLabels = 1
, AGSLabelLineConnectionNone = 2
, AGSLabelLineConnectionUnambiguousLabels = 3
} |
enum | AGSLabelMultipartStrategy {
AGSLabelMultipartStrategyAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelMultipartStrategyLabelLargest = 1
, AGSLabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerFeature = 2
, AGSLabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerPart = 3
AGSLabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerSegment = 4
} |
enum | AGSLabelOverlapStrategy { AGSLabelOverlapStrategyAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelOverlapStrategyAllow = 1
, AGSLabelOverlapStrategyAvoid = 2
, AGSLabelOverlapStrategyExclude = 3
} |
enum | AGSLabelOverrunStrategy { AGSLabelOverrunStrategyAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelOverrunStrategyNone = 1
, AGSLabelOverrunStrategyAllow = 2
} |
enum | AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy {
AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyAll = 1
, AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyFeatureType = 2
, AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyLabelClass = 3
AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyNone = 4
} |
enum | AGSLabelRepeatStrategy { AGSLabelRepeatStrategyAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelRepeatStrategyNone = 1
, AGSLabelRepeatStrategyRepeat = 2
} |
enum | AGSLabelStackAlignment { AGSLabelStackAlignmentAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelStackAlignmentDynamic = 1
, AGSLabelStackAlignmentTextSymbol = 2
} |
enum | AGSLabelStackBreakPosition { AGSLabelStackBreakPositionAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelStackBreakPositionAfter = 1
, AGSLabelStackBreakPositionBefore = 2
} |
enum | AGSLabelStackStrategy { AGSLabelStackStrategyAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelStackStrategyNone = 1
, AGSLabelStackStrategyAllow = 2
} |
enum | AGSLabelTextLayout {
AGSLabelTextLayoutAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelTextLayoutHorizontal = 1
, AGSLabelTextLayoutPerpendicular = 2
, AGSLabelTextLayoutStraight = 3
AGSLabelTextLayoutFollowFeature = 4
} |
enum | AGSLabelTextOrientation { AGSLabelTextOrientationAutomatic = 0
, AGSLabelTextOrientationDirection = 1
, AGSLabelTextOrientationScreen = 2
} |
◆ AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategy
The strategy for moving labels to avoid overlapping point symbols or higher priority labels.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyAutomatic | The label will use the default deconfliction strategy (AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyStatic ).
AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyDynamic | Place the label in the preferred location, but move to an alternative location to avoid overlapping higher priority labels or feature/graphic symbols.
AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyNone | Place the label in the preferred location, regardless of overlaps with other features, graphics or labels.
AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyStatic | Place the label in the preferred location, unless it would overlap a higher priority label or feature/graphic symbol.
AGSLabelDeconflictionStrategyDynamicNeverRemove | Place the label in the preferred location, but move to an alternative location to minimize overlapping higher priority labels or feature/graphic symbols. - Since
- 100.12
◆ AGSLabelLineConnection
The strategy for whether line features with the same label, and matching end vertices, should be joined before sharing a label.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelLineConnectionAutomatic | The default approach for connectable features is to connect them (AGSLabelLineConnectionMinimizeLabels ).
AGSLabelLineConnectionMinimizeLabels | Line geometries with the same label and coincident end vertices should be considered together as a single, continuous geometry when placing labels.
AGSLabelLineConnectionNone | Keep one label per line feature geometry.
AGSLabelLineConnectionUnambiguousLabels | Line geometries with the same label and coincident end vertices should be joined, until they hit a junction.
◆ AGSLabelMultipartStrategy
The strategy for the number of labels to be placed on a multi-part feature.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelMultipartStrategyAutomatic | Labeling will use the default distribution of labels across multi-part features.
AGSLabelMultipartStrategyLabelLargest | If a feature consists of multiple parts, only the largest one will be assigned a label.
AGSLabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerFeature | One label per feature, but not supported yet in runtime.
AGSLabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerPart | If a feature consists of multiple geometries, each geometry will be assigned a label.
AGSLabelMultipartStrategyLabelPerSegment | One label per segment, but not supported yet in runtime.
◆ AGSLabelOverlapStrategy
The strategy for whether another label is allowed to be placed over this feature or label.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelOverlapStrategyAutomatic | The other label will use the default overlap behavior which depends on the object being overlapped.
AGSLabelOverlapStrategyAllow | The other label will be allowed to place itself in its preferred location, ignoring this obstacle.
AGSLabelOverlapStrategyAvoid | The other label will move to minimize overlapping this obstacle, but will overlap if necessary.
AGSLabelOverlapStrategyExclude | The other label will not be placed rather than overlap this obstacle.
◆ AGSLabelOverrunStrategy
The strategy for whether a label should be visible at viewing scales where the feature is too small for the label to fit.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelOverrunStrategyAutomatic | The label will use the default overrun behavior which depends on the object being overrun. This value corresponds to no value being specified for the AGSLabelDefinition::overrunStrategy property.
AGSLabelOverrunStrategyNone | The label cannot run past the ends of its line geometry or edges of its polygon geometry.
AGSLabelOverrunStrategyAllow | The label can run past the ends of its line geometry or edges or its polygon geometry.
◆ AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy
The strategy for whether labels should be removed if they have the same text as other labels, to reduce clutter and free up space.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyAutomatic | The default approach to duplicate labels to is keep them (AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyNone ).
AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyAll | Remove nearby duplicate labels.
AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyFeatureType | Remove nearby duplicate labels, if they belong to the same Feature Type.
AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyLabelClass | Remove nearby duplicate labels, if they below to the same Label Class.
AGSLabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategyNone | No duplicates should be removed.
◆ AGSLabelRepeatStrategy
The strategy for whether a label should have multiple copies created and placed along or across the same feature.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelRepeatStrategyAutomatic | Labeling will use the default repetition for the feature type.
AGSLabelRepeatStrategyNone | Only place one label per feature.
AGSLabelRepeatStrategyRepeat | Repeat the label along or across the feature.
◆ AGSLabelStackAlignment
The strategy for how multi-row (stacked) text should be horizontally aligned. Multi-row text labels can each be horizontally aligned on the left, right or at their center. By using the AGSLabelStackAlignment
, the user can choose to use the AGSTextSymbol::horizontalAlignment
property for all labels, or can choose to have the most aesthetic alignment calculated case-by-case for each label depending on its placement position around its feature. This is particularly useful for labels of dense point features, where labels may move above, below, left or right of their point symbol, in order to fit on the display.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelStackAlignmentAutomatic | The default behavior is to use AGSLabelStackAlignmentTextSymbol .
AGSLabelStackAlignmentDynamic | Set the alignment depending upon the label's position with respect to its feature.
AGSLabelStackAlignmentTextSymbol | Follow the alignment specified by the AGSTextSymbol::horizontalAlignment .
◆ AGSLabelStackBreakPosition
The strategy for whether a row of text should be broken before or after it exceeds the ideal length. If stacking is turned on, label placement can insert a line break before or after the word that overruns the maximum number of characters per row.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelStackBreakPositionAutomatic | Use the default break position (AGSLabelStackBreakPositionAfter ).
AGSLabelStackBreakPositionAfter | Insert the line break after a word that has broken the stackRowLength limit.
AGSLabelStackBreakPositionBefore | Insert the line break before a word that will break the stackRowLength limit.
◆ AGSLabelStackStrategy
The strategy for whether the text should be stacked or wrapped, rather than place long trailing labels across the map.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelStackStrategyAutomatic | Stacking will be enabled for some feature types.
AGSLabelStackStrategyNone | The text should not be broken, no matter how long it is.
AGSLabelStackStrategyAllow | The label placement engine can break the text into two or more rows, if the rows are longer than the AGSLabelDefinition::stackRowLength limit.
◆ AGSLabelTextLayout
The layout to use for label text, which can be either horizontal, straight, perpendicular, or follow the line feature.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelTextLayoutAutomatic | The text layout will be determined by the individual feature type.
AGSLabelTextLayoutHorizontal | Text will be written horizontally (with respect to the screen).
AGSLabelTextLayoutPerpendicular | Text will be written perpendicular to the AGSLabelTextLayoutStraight text layout.
AGSLabelTextLayoutStraight | Text will be written along a straight line, following the point positioning angle or at a tangent to the line feature.
AGSLabelTextLayoutFollowFeature | Text will bend to follow a curved or multi-segment line feature.
◆ AGSLabelTextOrientation
The orientation of label text.
- Since
- 100.11
Enumerator |
AGSLabelTextOrientationAutomatic | Use the default text orientation (AGSLabelTextOrientationScreen ).
AGSLabelTextOrientationDirection | Text follows the placement angle direction, even if it means being drawn upside-down.
AGSLabelTextOrientationScreen | Text follows the screen orientation and flips if necessary.