Class Domain

    • Method Detail

      • getFieldType

        public Field.Type getFieldType()
        Gets the field type of the domain.
        the field type of the domain
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the domain name.
        the domain name
      • toJson

        public String toJson()
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        Serializes this object to a JSON string. Note that unknown JSON is omitted from the serialized string.
        Specified by:
        toJson in interface JsonSerializable
        a JSON string
      • getUnknownJson

        public Map<String,​Object> getUnknownJson()
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        If this object was created from JSON, this method gets unknown data from the source JSON. Unknown JSON is a Map of values that were in the source JSON but are not known by the Runtime and therefore not exposed in the API.
        Specified by:
        getUnknownJson in interface JsonSerializable
        an unmodifiable Map containing unknown JSON data. The keys are Strings containing names. The types of the values depend on the types of tokens within the JSON as follows:
        • a Map<String, Object> represents an object in the JSON
        • a List<Object> represents an array in the JSON
        • a String represents a string in the JSON
        • a Double represents a number in the JSON
        • a Boolean represents true or false in the JSON
        • null represents null in the JSON
      • getUnsupportedJson

        public Map<String,​Object> getUnsupportedJson()
        Description copied from interface: JsonSerializable
        If this object was created from JSON, this method gets unsupported data from the source JSON. Unsupported JSON is a Map of values that are supported by webmaps and known to the version of the webmap specification the API supports (see system requirements), but are not explicitly exposed through the Runtime API.
        Specified by:
        getUnsupportedJson in interface JsonSerializable
        an unmodifiable Map containing unsupported JSON data. The keys are Strings containing names. The types of the values depend on the types of tokens within the JSON as follows:
        • a Map<String, Object> represents an object in the JSON
        • a List<Object> represents an array in the JSON
        • a String represents a string in the JSON
        • a Double represents a number in the JSON
        • a Boolean represents true or false in the JSON
        • null represents null in the JSON
      • fromJson

        public static Domain fromJson​(String json)
        Creates a Domain instance from a JSON string.
        json - the JSON representation of a Domain
        a Domain instance deserialized from the JSON string
        IllegalArgumentException - if json is null or empty