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Class: TimeInfo



(Added at v2.0)
Time information details.


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UNIT_CENTURIESIndicates a value measured in centuries.
UNIT_DAYSIndicates a value measured in days.
UNIT_DECADESIndicates a value measured in decades.
UNIT_HOURSIndicates a value measured in hours.
UNIT_MILLISECONDSIndicates a value measured in milliseconds.
UNIT_MINUTESIndicates a value measured in minutes.
UNIT_MONTHSIndicates a value measured in months.
UNIT_SECONDSIndicates a value measured in seconds.
UNIT_UNKNOWNIndicates a value measured in unknown units.
UNIT_WEEKSIndicates a value measured in weeks.
UNIT_YEARSIndicates a value measured in years.


endTimeFieldStringThe name of the attribute field that contains the end time information.
exportOptionsLayerTimeOptionsDefault time-related export options for the layer.
startTimeFieldStringThe name of the attribute field that contains the start time information.
timeExtentTimeExtentThe time extent for all the data in the layer.
timeIntervalNumberTime interval of the data in the layer.
timeIntervalUnitsStringTemporal unit in which the time interval is measured.
timeReferenceTimeReferenceInformation about how the time was measured.
trackIdFieldStringThe field that contains the trackId.
Property Details

<String> endTimeField

The name of the attribute field that contains the end time information.

<LayerTimeOptions> exportOptions

Default time-related export options for the layer. When using a dynamic map service, these options can be overridden for sub-layers using the setLayerTimeOptions method.

<String> startTimeField

The name of the attribute field that contains the start time information.

<TimeExtent> timeExtent

The time extent for all the data in the layer.

<Number> timeInterval

Time interval of the data in the layer. Typically used for the TimeSlider when animating the layer.

<String> timeIntervalUnits

Temporal unit in which the time interval is measured. See the Constants table for valid values.

<TimeReference> timeReference

Information about how the time was measured.

<String> trackIdField

The field that contains the trackId.
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