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Class: WCSCoverageDescription



(Added at v3.18)
(Currently in beta), the WCSCoverageDescription models the coverage properties offered by the WCS Server. This class normalizes the variations across different versions of WCS Coverage Description. The WCSLayer and WCSConnection classes both have links to access this coverage description object.


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new esri.layers.WCSCoverageDescription(coverageDocument, version)Creates a new WCSCoverageDescription.


INTERPOLATION_BILINEARResamples pixel by bilinear interpolation. Value = 1.
INTERPOLATION_CUBICCONVOLUTIONResamples pixel by cubic convolution. Value = 2.
INTERPOLATION_NEARESTNEIGHBORResamples pixel by nearest neighbor. Value = 0.


bandInfoString[]An array of band names.
columnsNumberNumber of columns at the source resolution.
descriptionStringThe coverage description text.
extentExtentCoverage extent in the native spatial reference.
idStringThe coverage id.
lonLatEnvelopeExtentCoverage extent in WGS84. .
multiDimensionalInfoObjectA parsed multidimensional object that describes variables and dimensions.
nativeCoverageDescriptionObjectA parsed coverage description object in a structure similar to WCS Coverage Description schema.
resolutionPointCoverage's source resolution.
rowsNumberNumber of rows at the source resolution.
supportedFormatsString[]Generalized from the following properties:
  • SupportedFormats for WCS 1.0.0 and 1.1.x
  • serviceParameters.supportedFormats for WCS 2.0.1.
supportedInterpolationsNumber[]The interpolation method affects how the raster dataset is transformed when it undergoes warping or when it changes coordinate space.
timeInfoTimeInfoTemporal information for the layer, such as time extent.
versionStringThe current version of the coverage.
Constructor Details

new esri.layers.WCSCoverageDescription(coverageDocument, version)

Creates a new WCSCoverageDescription.
<String> coverageDocument Required The coverage description XML.
<String> version Required The version of the coverage description document.
Property Details

<String[]> bandInfo

An array of band names.

<Number> columns

Number of columns at the source resolution.

<String> description

The coverage description text. It corresponds to description or label properties of WCS 1.0.0, abstract or title properties of WCS 1.1.x, and coverageId property of WCS 2.0.1.

<Extent> extent

Coverage extent in the native spatial reference.

<String> id

The coverage id. It corresponds to name property of ECS 1.0.0, identifier property of WCS 1.1.x, and coverageId property of ECS 2.0.1.

<Extent> lonLatEnvelope

Coverage extent in WGS84.

<Object> multiDimensionalInfo

A parsed multidimensional object that describes variables and dimensions.

<Object> nativeCoverageDescription

A parsed coverage description object in a structure similar to WCS Coverage Description schema. This can vary across WCS versions.

<Point> resolution

Coverage's source resolution.

<Number> rows

Number of rows at the source resolution.

<String[]> supportedFormats

Generalized from the following properties:
  • SupportedFormats for WCS 1.0.0 and 1.1.x
  • serviceParameters.supportedFormats for WCS 2.0.1.

<Number[]> supportedInterpolations

The interpolation method affects how the raster dataset is transformed when it undergoes warping or when it changes coordinate space. See the constants table for a list of possible interpolation values. This is available in WCS 1.0.0 and 1.1.x coverage description and 2.0.1 capabilities.

<TimeInfo> timeInfo

Temporal information for the layer, such as time extent.

<String> version

The current version of the coverage.
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