
AMD: require(["esri/rest/geoprocessor"], (geoprocessor) => { /* code goes here */ });
ESM: import * as geoprocessor from "@arcgis/core/rest/geoprocessor.js";
Object: esri/rest/geoprocessor
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.19

Represents a GP resource exposed by the ArcGIS REST API. A GP resource represents a single task in a GP service published using the ArcGIS Server and it supports one of the following operations dependent on how the service was set up:

  • execute - for when the execution type is synchronous.
  • submitJob - for when the execution type is asynchronous.

If processExtent is not set then execute and submitJob will format web requests compatible with ArcGIS version prior to 10.6.1.

Method Overview

Name Return Type Summary Object

Sends a request to the server to execute a synchronous GP task.


Submits a job to the server for asynchronous processing by the GP task.


Method Details


execute(url, params, options, requestOptions){Promise<Object>}

Sends a request to the server to execute a synchronous GP task.

The results can be retrieved using the fetchResultData(), fetchResultImage(), or fetchResultMapImageLayer() methods.

url String

URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a Geoprocessing service.

params Object

Specifies the input parameters accepted by the task and their corresponding values. These input parameters are listed in the parameters field of the associated GP Task resource. For example, assume that a GP Task resource has the following input parameters:

  • <GPFeatureRecordSetLayer> Input_Points
  • <GPDouble> Distance

The params argument would then be an Object of the form:

 Input_Points: <FeatureSet>,
 Distance: <Number>

options GPOptions

specifies the input options for the geoprocessing service return values. The options argument could be an Object of the form:

  returnZ: true

requestOptions RequestOptions

Additional options to be used for the data request.

Type Description
Promise<Object> When resolved, returns an object with the following properties:
  messages: <GPMessage[]>,
  results: <ParameterValue[]>
See the GPMessage and ParameterValue classes for more information about the information in this object.


submitJob(url, params, options, requestOptions){Promise<JobInfo>}

Submits a job to the server for asynchronous processing by the GP task. The method will resolve immediately after the job has been submitted to the server. Use waitForJobCompletion() to be notified when the job has completed and optionally periodic job status.

The results can be retrieved using the fetchResultData(), fetchResultImage(), or fetchResultMapImageLayer() methods.

url String

URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a Geoprocessing service.

params Object

specifies the input parameters accepted by the task and their corresponding values. These input parameters are listed in the parameters field of the associated GP Task resource. For example, assume that a GP Task resource has the following input parameters:

  • <GPFeatureRecordSetLayer> Input_Points
  • <GPDouble> Distance

The params argument would then be an Object of the form:

  Input_Points: <FeatureSet>,
  Distance: <Number>

options GPOptions

specifies the input options for the geoprocessing service return values. The options argument could be an Object of the form:

  returnZ: true

requestOptions RequestOptions

Additional options to be used for the data request.

Type Description
Promise<JobInfo> When resolved, returns a JobInfo.

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