This sample shows how to use the Editor widget in 3D with a SceneLayer for attribute editing. This widget is useful as it provides an out-of-the-box experience to help streamline the editing experience within an application.
The Editor widget uses the underlying applyEdits method on SceneLayer, which currently supports only attribute updates. The prerequisite for an editable SceneLayer is an associated FeatureLayer with editing enabled. For more information about publishing, see the Publishing section of the scene layer guide topic. The features with edited attributes are rendered with the updated attributes until the number of edited features exceeds 50,000. After that, the edited attributes are not retrieved, and the features are rendered with the cached, outdated attributes.Rebuild the scene layer cache before reaching the maximum number of features to avoid any rendering issues.
In this sample, the editable feature layer is shared to everyone. Therefore, everyone will be able to modify this data. In a real use case, only an authorized editor would be able to edit the layer. In such circumstances, the associated feature layer is not shared publicly, and will only be accessible to the editor. To make the edits visible to the SceneLayer user, it is necessary to rebuild the cache.