
An Arcade expression object, containing an expression, a name, a return type and a title. An ArcadeExpression object gathers an Arcade script expression together with:

  • The expected return type

  • The name that a map author uses to refer to it

  • The title that the author uses to describe the expression




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constructor(expression: String, title: String = "", name: String = "", returnType: ArcadeExpressionReturnType = ArcadeExpressionReturnType.Automatic)

Creates a new Arcade expression with an expression string, title, name, and return type. If the Arcade expression evaluates to a result which differs from ArcadeExpressionReturnType then the result will be cast to the expected return type.


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object Companion


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The Arcade expression string.

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The name that the author uses to refer to the expression. If not set explicitly, then the default is an empty name string.

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The expected return type of the expression. If the Arcade expression evaluates to a result which differs from ArcadeExpressionReturnType then the result will be cast to the expected return type. If the cast cannot be carried out, the result will be a type-specific error value. See ArcadeExpressionReturnType for details.

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The title that the author uses to describe the expression. If not set explicitly, then the default is an empty title string.

Inherited functions

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open override fun toJson(): String

Convert an object to JSON string.