
The metadata for an ArcGIS feature service. An ArcGIS feature service is a data service that provides access to spatial features stored in layers and non-spatial features stored in tables. ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo provides basic information about the feature service, including the feature layers and tables that it contains, the service description, supported spatial reference, sync capabilities, editor tracking information, and so on.

You can obtain the ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo from a loaded GeodatabaseSyncTask or from a loaded ServiceGeodatabase.




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True if the service allows geometry updates, false otherwise.

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True if the service allows curve geometries to be updated, false otherwise. This property can only be true if ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.supportsTrueCurve is true.

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The service's attribution.

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True if you can use ServiceGeodatabase.applyEdits() to commit changes back to the service, false otherwise. This value is true if the support for global IDs in all tables in the geodatabase is enabled, or support for global IDs in all tables in the geodatabase is disabled, false otherwise.

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The service's description.

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The service's document info.

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The feature service's editor tracking settings. This information is present if editor tracking is enabled on this service. For more information, see

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The service's full extent.

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True if the service has static data, false otherwise.

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True if the service has sync enabled, false otherwise.

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True if the service has versioned data, false otherwise.

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The service's initial extent.

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The service's layers. The IdInfo provides basic layer metadata. It can be cast to a FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo for more detailed metadata.

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The service's max record count.

True if the service only allows curve geometries to be updated by client code that identifies itself as a true curve-enabled client, indicating that client editing workflows account for curve segments correctly, false otherwise. This property can only be true if ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.allowTrueCurvesUpdates is true.

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The service's service description.

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The service's spatial reference.

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True if the service supports disconnected editing, false otherwise.

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True if the service supports curve segments in feature geometries, false otherwise. Some services support storing feature geometries with curve segments. By default, these services return densified versions of the feature geometries instead. Use ArcGISEnvironment.serviceCurveGeometryMode to change this behavior.

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The service's sync capabilities.

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The service's tables.

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Units used by the service.

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val url: String?

The service's URL.

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The service's current version.

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The service's default z value.

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True if the service defaults z values, false otherwise.