
Represents a single part of a multipart geometry (polygon or polyline). A collection of Segment objects that together represent a part in a Multipart geometry. You can also access the Point objects that represent the vertices of the geometry (that is, the ends of each segment), using point-based helpers such as Part.getPoint(Int).

Prior to v100.12, the only supported segment type was LineSegment. If the underlying geometry contained curve segments (Geometry.hasCurves is true) then the curve information was lost when iterating through the segments in that part.

From v100.12, curve segments may be returned from Part.getSegment(Int). A part may contain a mix of linear and curve segments.




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The end point of the last segment in the part. Returns null if the collection is empty.

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Indicates if the part contains any curve segments. Prior to v100.12, if this property returned true, there was no way to access the curve segment information contained by the part. Retrieving the Segment instances of the part would return only LineSegment instances.

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The count of points in the part. The points in the part are the start and end points of segments. Segments can share a point if the end point of one segment matches the start point of the next.

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An Iterable for iterating over the points in the part.

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The count of segments in the part.

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open override val size: Int

The count of segments in the part.

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The spatial reference for the immutable part. If the collection does not have a spatial reference null is returned.

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The start point of the first segment in the part. Returns null if the collection is empty.


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open operator override fun get(index: Int): Segment

Gets a segment at a specified segment index.

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For a segment at a specified segmentIndex the method returns the point index of the segment's end point.

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fun getPoint(pointIndex: Int): Point

Returns a point at a specified point index. The points in the part are the start and end points of segments. Segments can share a point if the end point of one segment matches the start point of the next.

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Converts from a point index to a segment index that uses the given point as an end point. If the point is not an end point then -1 is returned.

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Converts from a point index to a segment index that uses the given point as a start point. If the point is not a start point then -1 is returned.

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For a segment at a specified segmentIndex the method returns the point index of the segment's start point.

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open override fun isEmpty(): Boolean

Indicates if the part contains no segments.

Inherited functions

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open operator override fun contains(element: Segment): Boolean
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open override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<Segment>): Boolean
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in Segment>)
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun indexOf(element: Segment): Int
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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<Segment>
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open override fun lastIndexOf(element: Segment): Int
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open override fun listIterator(): ListIterator<Segment>
open override fun listIterator(index: Int): ListIterator<Segment>
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open override fun spliterator(): Spliterator<Segment>
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open fun stream(): Stream<Segment>
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open override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List<Segment>
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open fun <T : Any> toArray(p0: IntFunction<Array<T>>): Array<T>
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open override fun toString(): String