Package-level declarations
An ArcGIS authentication challenge. An ArcGIS authentication challenge is raised by the ArcGISAuthenticationChallengeHandler if an ArcGIS secured resource requires OAuth or ArcGIS Token authentication.
An interface for handling ArcGISAuthenticationChallenges.
Possible responses to an ArcGISAuthenticationChallenge.
A base class for types of ArcGIS credentials used to access secured resources. This is a base class for ArcGIS credentials requiring OAuth or ArcGIS Token authentication, such as OAuthUserCredential, OAuthApplicationCredential, PregeneratedTokenCredential and TokenCredential.
A store for instances of the subclasses of ArcGISCredential. The credential provided while handling an authentication challenge is placed in the ArcGIS credential store of the ArcGISEnvironment.authenticationManager and used by all subsequent requests that have a matching server context.
The manager of requests for secure resources made by the application.
Represents a digital certificate used to access certificate secured resources.
Represents an authentication challenge that is raised upon encountering an authentication error. This class provides information about the authentication challenge, such as the request hostname, the NetworkAuthenticationType, and the cause.
Implement this interface to handle NetworkAuthenticationChallenges.
Possible responses to a network authentication challenge.
Represents the different types of authentication challenges that can be raised.
A credential that can be used to authenticate network connections.
Stores credentials of type NetworkCredential for use in network-secured requests.
The OAuth application credential generates a short-lived access token that gives your application permission to access ready-to-use services, such as basemap layers, geocoding, and routing, in ArcGIS. It is important to treat client secret as you would your password. You must keep it confidential and we recommended not storing in your application.
The OAuth application token information that can be used to access ready-to-use services, such as basemap layers, geocoding, and routing.
The OAuth user configuration information used by an OAuthUserCredential.
A credential for accessing OAuth token secured ArcGIS resources.
Provides data required for prompting a user for an OAuthUserCredential. Once a user has completed an OAuthUserLoginPrompt, the OAuth sign in is completed by calling complete or cancel depending on the result of the OAuth user login prompt.
The OAuth user token information that can be used by clients in exchange for user credentials.
Credential that is used to authenticate against HTTP-secured services.
A credential used to access token-secured ArcGIS resources using a token that is generated outside of your application.
The exchange interval for the refresh token held by an OAuth credential. Use this to exchange a refresh token before it expires. This will limit the number of times a user will have to login because of expiring tokens.
The requested expiration interval for the OAuth refresh token.
Represents a response to trust the Server Certificate of an HTTP network connection that is self signed or signed by an unknown root authority (for example an enterprise root certificate).
A credential used to access token-secured ArcGIS resources.