Authentication Manager
The manager of requests for secure resources made by the application.
The authentication manager provides:
ArcGISAuthenticationChallengeHandler and NetworkAuthenticationChallengeHandler for authentication challenges. For example, you can write code in an authentication challenge handler to prompt the user for credential information, create a credential, and use it to continue with the challenge.
The ArcGISCredentialStore and NetworkCredentialStore are available for storing the ArcGIS and network credentials that are automatically checked when your application attempts to connect to secured resources.
See also
The handler is called to handle ArcGISAuthenticationChallenges when requests are made for ArcGIS secured resources that requires an OAuth or ArcGIS token authentication.
Storage for ArcGISCredential objects.
This handler will get called when a NetworkAuthenticationChallenge is raised while sending requests. This includes: IWA, PKI, and server trust challenges.
Storage for NetworkCredential objects.