
A form element that holds one or more attachments on a feature. The AttachmentsFormElement specifies how one or more attachments can participate in the form. When present in the form, the user has the ability to edit the list of attachments specific to the form element.




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Returns all the current attachments. This is empty if attachments haven't yet been fetched.

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val isEditable: StateFlow<Boolean>

True if the element is editable, False otherwise. This property can be modified by the editable expression, which can be set during Feature Form authoring.

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A string to identify the attachment(s). When a file is attached using the form, this property sets the value of the keywords field for the attachment. When a form displays existing attachments, this property is used to query attachments with an exact match on the keywords field.

Inherited properties

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A detailed description of the element.

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val isVisible: StateFlow<Boolean>

The form element's visibility. This property can be modified by the visibility expression.

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A descriptive label that appears with the element. If not supplied, a FieldFormElement is labeled with the alias property of the associated field.

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Unknown data from the source JSON. Unknown JSON is a dictionary of values that was in the source JSON but was unparsed by the Runtime.

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Unsupported data from the source JSON. Unsupported JSON is a dictionary of values that are supported by web maps, but not exposed through the native Runtime API.


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fun addAttachment(name: String, contentType: String, data: ByteArray): FormAttachment

Adds a new attachment to this AttachmentsFormElement.

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fun addAttachmentOrNull(name: String, contentType: String, data: ByteArray): FormAttachment?

Adds a new attachment to this AttachmentsFormElement.

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Deletes an attachment from the

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suspend fun fetchAttachments(): Result<Unit>

Fetches the attachments from the and populates AttachmentsFormElement.attachments. Attachments are not re-fetched if they have already been fetched.

Inherited functions

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int