
sealed class LabelTextLayout

The layout to use for label text, which can be either horizontal, straight, perpendicular, or follow the line feature.





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The text layout will be determined by the individual feature type. For each label, the layout will be determined by the feature geometry type:

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Text will bend to follow a curved or multi-segment line feature. Individual characters will be angled to follow the changes in angle of the line geometry.

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Text will be written horizontally (with respect to the screen). If the map is rotated within the screen, then the text will be redrawn (and possibly repositioned) to remain horizontal with respect to the screen.

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Text will be written perpendicular to the LabelTextLayout.Straight text layout.

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Text will be written along a straight line, following the point positioning angle or at a tangent to the line feature. An angle for placement and orientation will be calculated for each label if the "labelAngleInfo" json property for the LabelDefinition has been specified.