
The style information for a vector tile layer. Styles allows vector tiles to be visualized in different ways, such as day and night viewing. A vector tile style is a JSON structure and resources that define how the contents of vector tiles are displayed using an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer. Each style contains sets of visual properties for a vector tiled layer, such as fill colors, viewing levels, and labels, and its resources include fonts and sprites. Each ArcGIS vector tile source will have a default vector tile style and may have additional custom styles.

You can download vector tiles, their default style and any custom style resources by using the ExportVectorTilesTask. To download styles, check that ExportVectorTilesTask.hasStyleResources is true. If you want to download a vector tile cache with a custom vector tile style, use ExportVectorTilesTask.createExportVectorTilesJob(ExportVectorTilesParameters, String, String) to generate the ExportVectorTilesJob and specify the local paths to store vector tile cache and the item resource cache. If you just want to download a custom style, use the ExportVectorTilesTask.createExportStyleResourceCacheJob(String) to generate the ExportVectorTilesJob and specify the local path to store the item resource cache.

To display tiles from a local vector tile package (.vtpk) using a custom vector tile style, use the ArcGISVectorTiledLayer.ArcGISVectorTiledLayer(VectorTileCache, ItemResourceCache) constructor and provide the custom item resource cache for the style.

You can create new styles for an ArcGIS vector tile source using the ArcGIS Online provides some example layers with multiple styles in



See also


Link copied to clipboard

The vector tile source URI.

Link copied to clipboard

The style version.