fun create(urlTemplate: String, subDomains: List<String> = listOf(), tileInfo: TileInfo = defaultTileInfo, fullExtent: Envelope = defaultFullExtent): WebTiledLayer
Creates a custom WebTiledLayer, which provides a simple way to integrate non-ArcGIS Services as a layer in a map.
The template URI usually follows a pattern similar to{level}/{col}/{row}.png, "level" corresponds to a zoom level, "col" represents the tile column, and "row" represents the tile row.
This URI should be arranged to reflect how the tiles are arranged in the cache or on the server. This URI can point to a web server (https://) or to a local file cache (file://).
a WebTiledLayer
url Template
a template for the URL used for tile requests
sub Domains
a list of strings listing available sub-domains
tile Info
the tiling scheme info
full Extent
the full extent of tiles in the cache or server