
A stretch renderer enhances the visual contrast of raster data in a RasterLayer. A stretch renderer uses continuous raster cell values across a gradual ramp of colors to visualize raster data. It works well when you have a large range of values to display, such as in imagery, aerial photographs, or elevation models.

Stretching improves the appearance of the raster data by spreading its cell values along a histogram whose minimum and maximum values are defined by the raster's bit depth. For example, an 8-bit raster dataset will be stretched along a histogram from 0 to 255.



See also


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constructor(parameters: StretchParameters?, gammas: Iterable<Double>, estimateStatistics: Boolean, colorRamp: ColorRamp?)

Creates a stretch renderer.

Inherited properties

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The status of whether to estimate statistics or not when it's not available from the data source.

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The gamma values.

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The stretch parameters.